chapter 4

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Okay. It was time for dinner. My heart was beating double as fast as it should. I had to handle this dinner good. I had to act like a normal person even though I felt like the craziest one on earth right now. It would go well. I had been able to talk pretty much with Jimmy so at least that was done. Now I just had to talk to the other guys like that too.  Oh shit… 

"Rhaea can you help me with the pizzas?" Myra asked as it rang on the door. 

On the other side of the door stood a guy who's face I couldn't see because he was carrying such a high pile of pizza boxes. 

"Jeez sis did you order for the whole community?" I asked and took half of the boxes from the guy. 

"No but the guys eat like animals and then they'll drink a little too much, go back to the studio and get hungry again", she explained. 

"Well okay", I said and walked into the kitchen. 

"Can you go down to the studio and tell the guys that the food is here while I go get us something to drink?" Myra asked. 

Me? Going down to the studio where the five of them were? Was she crazy?


"Uhm yeah sure, where is it?" I asked. 

"Just down the stairs and then the first door. You'll probably hear music blasting from there." 

I walked down the stairs just like my sister told me and right away heard music coming from behind the first door. It was just a bass playing. 

Was I supposed to just go inside or should I knock before? I knocked.

"Come in!" Matt said on the other side of the door. 

I carefully opened the door and took a step inside. Matt and Johnny sat in front of a computer and Johnny had his bass in his hands and played while the other guys sat in some couches and watched and talked. 

"Hey Rhaea", Jimmy said. "Guys this is Myra's sister!" 

He probably said it to Zacky and Johnny who hadn't met me yet. 

"Hey Rhaea", the guys said. 

"Ehm I was just gonna tell you that the food is here now", I said and turned around to go out again. 

"Wait!", Matt said.

"Yeah?" I asked. 

"We could really use some opinions on this song", Johnny said. 

"You guys want my opinion on your song?" I asked. 

"Yes. We just sit here for hours and it's easy to almost get blind with your own works so it's good to see what someone else says about it. We would ask Myra if you weren't here but she doesn't know a thing about music", Matt said. 

"Well okay", I said. 

Matt pushed some buttons and music started to play everywhere in the room. It was a typical Avenged sound right from the beginning, this really heavy but still clean sound. There wasn't any vocals in the song yet. 

"What do you think?" Zacky asked when the song was finished. 

"It was great. It was just that some parts in the beginning sounded almost exactly like it does in The Wicked End so you might want to take a look on that but besides from that was everything good", I said. 

Wow… I just gave my biggest inspirations criticism on a song. Did not see that coming when I was planning this trip. 

"I told you so!" Johnny said to Zacky and Brian.

"Okay now I hear it…" Zacky said. 

"We'll fix that after dinner guys", Matt said and stood up. 

"Yeah", the others said and did the same. 

"Thanks for the help Rhaea", Matt said and patted me on my back. 

Heart beating double as fast again… 

I walked as fast as I could up the stairs without running. It felt so weird to have Jimmy walking right behind me in the stairs. I mean come on, everyone knows that the only thing you can look at when you're walking behind someone in stairs is their ass, even if you want it or not it will just be there in the way the entire time. Yep that was the stuff I thought about. 

"Finally you're here!" Myra said when we walked into the living room. 

"Yeah sorry it took so long babe but Rhaea was just helping us with a song", Matt said. 

"You did? How?" she asked me.

"They  just wanted me to listen to the song and say what I thought about it", I explained.

"Why don't you ever ask me to do that?" she asked Matt. 

"Because then it would definitely suck", he chuckled. 

"That's mean!" 

"But it's true", Brian said. 

"You've tried before remember?" Jimmy said. "Ruined the whole song!" 

"I did not!" she protested.

"You did", Johnny said.

"Honey you've got the whole band against you on this point, give up", Matt said. 

"Rhaea, you're my sister, you can tell them that they're wrong!" she tried. 

"Sorry sis but you did not get the musical gene", I smiled. 

"You guys suck", she said and took a slice of pizza. 

We all laughed a bit at her and then took our slices of pizza too.

I didn't know what I was worrying about. The guys were all amazing and I had no problem talking to any of them. We had a really fun night and just as Myra said did the guys drink way too much, then headed down to the studio again and after an hour whined about how hungry they were. 

"Every time", Myra laughed and took out two boxes of pizza from the fridge. "Can you go down with these?"

"Sure", I said and took the boxes from here. 

Down in the studio was the guys having a pretty heated discussion about something. 

"No! Now you played the Seize The Day solo moron!" Zacky said to Brian.

"Did not!" Brian protested.

"Yes you did", Johnny said.

"No he didn't", Matt said. 

"Rhaea did I?" Brian asked me.

"I don't know. Just listen to what you played and we all know", I said.

"Good idea!" he said and pressed the play button on the computer. 

The guitar solo started to play. "Yeah that's sort of exactly the Seize The Day solo", I said when it was finished. 

"Fuck! Okay I have a new idea! Give me my guitar!" Brian said.

I gave him his guitar since it was closest to me and he started to play on a new solo right away. And this one was the best one I'd ever heard. 

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