chapter 13

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Jimmy's POV 

We were just heading out on stage. I kissed Rhaea quick and then ran out and sat down behind my drum set. I was really stoked about tonights show. Soundcheck had gone amazing, I had watched the crowd during the opening band and it seemed great and Rhaea was finally watching us again.

For the first time in the whole tour had Rhaea spent the whole day with us. Sure, she had zoned out in the way she always do and I had heard her sigh many times but at least she didn't go back to the bus. 

We played our new song Afterlife. Man I loved that song. One of our best yet. 

I looked over towards where Rhaea stood  to find her not standing there anymore. Myra stood there by herself. Our looks met and she mouthed "sorry" to me. 

I could feel anger fill me. We'd played five songs and she couldn't even stay for so long? I decided to take it out on the drums and started to hit harder to get every aggression out.

For how long was this gonna last? How the fuck did it even become like this? One day she was fine, just whining a bit that she hated how her career had become but she was at least happy. Then one day it all just crashed. It started with that she really didn't want to go out from the bunk in the morning. Then it had gone to that she didn't want to leave the bus which made her just stay in that bunk, staring up in the ceiling. 

All that happened had totally made me less happy too. I wasn't the same way as I used to. I wasn't as much… all over the place. 

I had really thought that things was starting to go for the better again when she had gone with us today, smiling and laughing but I guess I was wrong. 

We finished the show and went off the stage. 

"Where did she go?" I asked Myra. 

"To the bus", she sighed. 

I started to walk with quick and angry steps towards the exit. I had to ask her what the fuck was going on and she was going to answer me this time. 

Myra ran over to me. "Jimmy take it easy on her, she looked really upset when she left", she said and then went back to the guys while I went to the bus. 

I walked straight to our bunk. There she laid all covered up in my hoodie that was way too big for her, asleep, with her make-up smeared down her cheeks. She had been crying. 

All anger washed off me when I saw her. She looked so vulnerable laying there all alone.

Rhaea's POV

I had followed the guys around the whole day without saying anything. I had faked a smile ever now and then and laughed a little when someone said a joke but I never meant it. I just couldn't get myself to actually enjoy what we were doing. 

I had hoped that I would at least enjoy the show later on the evening, but that was not the case. About four songs into the concert had i had enough. I just couldn't understand what I was even doing there. It just felt sad standing there, all alone like always. I wasn't even alone, Myra stood right next to me but I felt alone. Even though I was surrounded by everyone did it feel like I had no one. 

I started to walk towards the exit. 

"Rhaea!" Myra shouted over the loud music. "Where are you going?!" 

I just looked back on her once and then ran out. 

I went straight to the bunk and laid down with tears running down my cheeks. I couldn't take this anymore. This wasn't the life I wanted to live. But I had no idea how to fix this. I didn't even know why it all started. I just found myself pushing myself away from everyone more and more and not feeling excited or happy about anything in life. 

I fell asleep. Well not really. I fell into that exhaustion that appears after you've been crying your eyes out where you're not asleep but you're not awake. 

Someone walked over to my bunk after a while but I couldn't bring myself to open my eyes to see who it was. The smell of Jimmy came towards me to tell me that it was him. Or maybe it was just the smell of his hoodie that I was wearing.

His scent made me feel so safe for some reason. That nothing could hurt me anymore. 

The person, probably Jimmy, who stood on the side of the bunk jumped up in the bunk and put his arms around me. Definitely Jimmy. 

"I love you", he said, in the believes that I was asleep and kissed the top of my head. "I'll do anything to make you happy again." 

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