chapter 8

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After that day was Jimmy and I basically attached to each other. We spent almost every awake moment together. Who knew that a drunken night could develop to real love? 

Myra and I, well and Gary of course, sat on a restaurant, eating lunch, while the guys were off to some radio interview. They had just released their new album which had the same name as the band. It was an amazing album! The best they'd done yet. It had gotten amazing feedback which was really fun to see because the guys worked so hard on it. 

"So you're joining us at the tour right?" Myra asked me.

"Which tour?" I asked.

"The guys tour. You know, to show off the new album and stuff", she explained. "It'll just be tour in the states and then in Canada."

"Well yeah. I don't have any plans yet", I said. 

"You're not gonna go back on the road yourself soon? I mean you've been gone for four months now", she said. 

Yes. I had made my stay in the states a bit longer than I had planned but the whole thing with Jimmy now had changed it all.

"Nope. That seems very far away from me right now. Not planning on doing that anytime soon", I said. 

"You don't like it anymore?" 

"I don't know… I feel like I'm sort of losing the music in this whole hysteria about me. I haven't picked up the guitar once during my stay here and I haven't sung one song either."

"And why is that you think?" Myra asked.

Oh did I forget to mention, she was a psychologist and always wanted people to analyze everything they felt. 

"Because I've noticed that people thinks it's more interesting just to see me and say that they've actually been to my concert than to listen to the music. I mean I don't even think that the people in the audience on my shows hears what I'm singing because they're screaming too much", I said. "And if they don't care about my music anymore why should I care about performing it?" 

"Can I ask you what you had in mind if you're not going to be a musician anymore? I mean, it's all you've ever done", she said. 

"I have no idea. Nothing? Financial I don't have to anything until I'm like 60 so that's not a problem", I said.

"But you might actually want to do something with your life", she said. 

"Well yeah… I just don't know. I'm very confused about everything right now." 

"Well just don't rush into anything. It might be difficult to come back if you decides do quit", she said. 

She had always been the smartest one. I didn't have the brains at all. Somehow life just worked out for me without having to think too much like my sister always did. 

"Maybe we should go meet up with the guys soon?" I asked. 

"Yeah they should be done by now" she said. 

"I'm just gonna go and talk to someone who works here about how the possibility is to go out somewhere else than the entrance", Gary said.

The fans had started to come to the restaurant and they had closed the doors so no one could come in while I was there. 

Gary was away for a while but then he came back and showed us another door behind the kitchen where we could go out without anyone noticing us. 

Myra called Matt and we decided to meet them at Brian's house and have a little pool party. WE stopped by Matt and Myra's house first to pick up our bikinis and stuff like that. 

All the guys were already there when we arrived, having fun and being in the pool. 

"Hey girls!" Johnny said when we walked out in the backyard of Brian's house. 

"Hey", Myra and I said. 

"Jump in!" Jimmy said from the pool.

"Nah, not yet", I said and walked over to him to kiss him. 

He saw that as an opportunity to get me into the pool and dragged me down with him under the surface where he kissed me before he let me go up again to breath. 

"Dick", I said once we had our heads over the water. 

"I love you too", he said and kissed me yet again.

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