chapter 18

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I put down my guitar and walked over to the table where I had put paper and a pen. It was time.

Dear Jimmy, you'll probably hate me forever now…

No. I threw the paper on the ground and started on a new one.

Hi Jimmy,

Seriously? Hi Jimmy? Ugh! Why couldn't I just write a fucking letter? I tried again.

Jimmy, I'm sorry. I love you. 

I wouldn't do any better than that. I folded the paper and put it in my back pocket. I then walked over to my balcony. I stood there for a while. Thinking about whether or not I should do it. I thought about possible outgoings without finding any. This was the only option. I jumped. 

I fell and hit the ground. I could hear how several bones in my body broke and I went out of my consciousness.

Jimmy's POV

We sat there at the emergency for so long! It never came someone to look at Brian's arm so all we could do was to sit there. 

"Excuse me", Matt said to a nurse that walked by. "When are you gonna check on my friends arm? We've been here for hours." 

"Yeah I know and I'm sorry but your friend have to wait a bit longer, we have a person coming in with really bad injuries right now and we'll have to deal with that before we can take care of any other patients, I hope you'll understand", she said.

"Yeah sure", he said and went back to us to sit down. 

I was starting to feel a bit tired of sitting here. I started to listen to what people around me said.

"Did you hear who it is coming in?" a nurse said to another. 

"No, who?" the other nurse said. 

"It's that singer, Rhaea Curtis", the first nurse said. 

I could almost feel how my blood froze when I heard Rhaea's name. The nurse had told Matt that it had been really bad injuries. I looked over to Myra who had heard it too. Both of us flew up from our chairs and ran down the hall, trying to find Rhaea. We ran around in all the corridors until we found a big doctor team running down the hall with a stretcher in the middle and on that was Rhaea. 

"Rhaea!" I shouted as we kept on running. 

A nurse closed the door into the room they took Rhaea right before our noses. "I'm sorry but you can't get in here", she said. 

"But that's my sister!" Myra said. "You gotta let me see her!" 

"I'm sorry but I can't you do that. You'll have to wait here while we try to save her", the nurse said. 

"What's wrong with her?" I asked.

Save her life? It was in the matter of life and death here? 

"I don't know yet but I'll try to figure out and I'll tell you okay?" she said and walked into the room. 

"Oh my god Jimmy what's happening?" Myra said and started to cry. 

"I have no idea", I said and put my arms around her. 

We stood there and just waited for that nurse to come back out and say that nothing was wrong with Rhaea. That was at least what we was hoping for. 

The rest of the guys had walked after us and all looked at us with confused looks. 

"What's going on?" Matt asked. 

"It's Rhaea", Myra cried. "She's the one with the really bad injuries."

"What?" everyone said. 

"What happened to her?" Zack asked. 

"We don't know", I said. "They haven't told us yet." 

And then the nurse walked out of the room again. "What's happening?" all of us said at the same time. 

"We believe that this was a suicide attempt", the nurse said. 

"What makes you think that?" Brian asked. 

"We found this note in her pocket", she said and held up a piece of paper. "And they did found her on the ground, right under the balconies to the apartments where she live." 

"But how is she?" I asked. 

"It's very critical right now", she said. "She has internal bleedings, several broken bones and her spine is broken. They're operating on her right but the chances are small. I'm sorry." 

None of us knew what to say after that. Suicide? I knew she'd been unhappy but was it really that bad? 

I never should've left her. I should've stayed. I should've made her fight. 

We waited for another hour until a doctor came out to where we were. He didn't have to say anything. His look said it all. She was gone. 

"No", Myra cried. "No!"

"I'm so sorry. The injuries was too serious for us to fix. There was nothing we could do", the doctor said. "She did leave a note, to a Jimmy, is that any of  you perhaps?" 

"I'm Jimmy", I said in shock. 

The doctor handed me the note and then walked away. 

I opened the paper and read what was in there. 

"Jimmy, I'm sorry. I love you."

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