chapter 10

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It was the day of the show. The guys had a day off so they said that they would definitely come and see my show. Gary drove me to the arena I would play at early that morning. It was a lot of stuff to fix with and Ryan had said that I would have the honor of deciding everything around the concert. 

People had already started to line up outside the arena, waiting for the concert to start. 

Inside was there a lot of people, working on setting up lights, fixing the sound all stuff like that. The stage was a rather small stage in the middle of the arena. It would room me and my guitar perfectly. 

"Hey Rhaea, my name is Jay and I have the responsibility for this night. We have most of the lights fixed and everyone is working on getting the sound good so we thought about having a sound check in about an hour. Just tell me if there's anything you want us to change about it all and we'll do it."

"Well everything looks pretty good I think", I said. "But I'll tell you if there is anything." 

I walked around that hour before sound check and just checked out the arena. it was really big. I wondered how many people it could room.

I then thought about the fact that I didn't have my guitar with me. It was still home in Australia. I couldn't play without my guitar. 

I tried to find that guy I'd been talking to earlier… Jay. Well that was easier said than done. I walked around in the millions corridors backstage without finding him. Another guy found me though, some roadie I'd never met.

"Hey, you're Rhaea. Everyone is looking for you. It's soundcheck", he said. "Come with me." 

So I went with him. Jay would probably be there anyway. 

"Up on the stage Rhaea", Jay said when I reached the stage. 

"But I need my guitar", I said. 

"you really thought that we had forgot to bring your guitar?" Jay asked. 

"You brought it here all the way from Australia?" I asked.

"Yep", he said. "Look, it right there on the stage. So  go up now."

I did as he told me and went up on the stage. 

It actually felt quite strange to be up there after almost five months away from. Especially since I had sort of already given up on the idea of returning to the stage. But there I was.

"Play us a song, the whole song please", Jay said and handed me my guitar. 

"Okay…", I said and went over my songs in my head. 

"If you are a cliffhanger ending

I’m the one that doesn’t know anything

Like a magpie and a ring

I am always going to be looking right to you

Oh, you capture my attention

Carefully listening

Don’t wanna miss a thing

Keeping my eyes on you

Got me on my toes

If I were to hideout on the sea

You’d be whispering from the westerlies

And any book I’ll ever read

You’d be the line that sticks out to me

Out to me

Oh, you capture my attention

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