Chapter 11

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{One Month Later}
(Kaitlyn's POV):
Caspar and I've been dating for about a week. It feels like a year, since Caspar been the possible best boyfriend I've had.

Rachel and Joe had went shopping for something for a video on Joe's channel.

Rachel thought I would stay at home and do stuff, but I was heading off the the Jaspar household.

Caspar had invited me over, earlier, before Rachel and Joe left. I was sooo excited.

I walk to Caspar's apartment, as it was walking distance from our apartment.

Caspar gave me a big bear hug, as I walked inside.

"How's your day been going?" I asked. "Great, that now your here," he said.

He smiled and we watch a movie on Netflix. After the movie, I started heading home, because we didn't want Rachel and Joe finding out.

Just before I left, Caspar asked me to be his girlfriend and kissed me. Obviously, I said yes. I knew I had to tell Rachel sooner or later. Maybe later...

*End of Flashback*

(Rachel's POV):
I've been noticing Kaitlyn has been really strange usually. She is busier than usual, because she has nothing to do.

Every once in a while, she'll say she need to go run some errands and she'll end up back at home the next morning.

Caspar also been a little fishy also.

I started editing a winter photo, for my blog. Kaitlyn walk into my room and said," Hey, I'm gonna go into the shops and buy some stuff."

"Okay," I replied.

Since we last moved, we have been able to afford 2 new cars. Kaitlyn took one.

After she was down the street, I started my car and started following her. I called Joe and asked," Where are you right now,"

"In a meeting about YouTube, got to go. Bye, I love you" he said.

Well clearly Joe's not home. I called Caspar and asked," Hey, you busy today,"

"Actually yes, but I'll be at home all day," he replied. I drove to the Jaspar household.

Just outside, I saw Kaitlyn's car. Of course, I wasn't gonna do anything. I wanted to make sure she was safe.

On the way back home, I stop for a 'cheeky Nando.' I was really happy that Kaitlyn found someone.

It was about 11ish, when I prepared to go to bed. I usually go to bed earlier, but I didn't have much to do tomorrow.

Kaitlyn walks into the room. I guess she thought I'd be asleep.

"Oh, hey," she said, awkwardly. "I've know where you've been," I said, smirking. "You do?" She asked, her face was quite red.

"How's Caspar?" I asked. "Oh," she replied.

"You should of told me! Now we can hang out more," I said. "What do you mean (Justin Beiber, anyone?😏)?" She asked.

"You'll see, you'll see," I said, as I crawled into bed.

"Good morning, sleepy head," Kaitlyn said.

I woke up to the smell of pancakes and coffee, well this is different. I think Caspar has changed Kaitlyn, for the better.

"Good morning bebes 😚" I tweeted. Then, I scrolled through Instagram a bit. I finally got up to eat my breakfast, that Kaitlyn made me.

"Wow, this is really good. I didn't know you could cook," I said. We generally don't make food our selves, we usually get takeout.

The pancakes Kaitlyn made, were absolutely delicious. It had Nutella in the middle, whip cream on top, and strawberries on the side.

"Thanks," she said. "I'm going over to Joe's, wanna come?" "Of course," she said.

"Heyyyyyyy," I said to Joe, when he opened the door. I hugged him. "You know that thing about Caspar and Kaitlyn, right?"

"Yeah, Caspar told me last night," he said. "You know, I'm proud of Caspar," he added.

"Yep, he's got himself a keeper," I said.

Kaitlyn walk into their flat and went over to Caspar and began talking.

A little bit later, I suggest we go on double dates. "Sure," the all said.

We went out for a couple of drinks, then went to a club. I had more fun then I actually had, in a really long time.

It was soon to be Christmas and Kaitlyn and I were heading back home to our families. I quickly wrapped up Joe's gift, since I wouldn't be seeing him on Christmas Day.

I had gotten him a fancy watch, I've seen him eyeing on. I hope he likes it.

I drove over to the Jaspar household, with Kaitlyn. We gave them their present and told them they could open it now, so we can see how the actually felt about the present.

Joe quickly unwrapped his present and his eyes grew. "Thanks, Rachel. I love it so much," he said.

Caspar and Kaitlyn exchanged gift and were very satisfied. Though the only thing was, Joe didn't get me one.

I don't really like pushing people into giving me presents, but I was kinda expecting one from Joe, as this was our first Christmas together.

"Um, Joe, can I talk to you," I asked. "Yeah, sure." He said. We stepped into another room. "I was wonder, where's my present?" I asked.

"About that..," he said trailing off. "I completely forgot," he said. "Oh, that's okay," I said, weakly.

Early this morning, I saw on Tanya's Instagram, Joe had given her a wonderful necklace. Why hasn't he given me something?

It's wasn't really about the present, it was that he forgot about me. "I'm so sorry, I promise I'll make it up to you," he said.

"I'm already leaving for my flight in a few hours, I have to go now," I said, rushing out the door. Tears stung my eyes.

I told Kaitlyn we should go. "Why?" She asked. "Our flight leaves in a few hours, we have time," she added.

I gave a stern look, which I guess she understood. "Hey Caspar, I kinda have to go. See you soon, I love you," she said, kissing him. "Have fun!" He called, as we left.

I stormed into the car and started the engine. "Rachel, are you okay?" She asked. Then, I just started bawling. "Rachel, what the hell?" She asked.

"Joe forgot about me," I said. "Why are you crying over a stupid present?" She asked. "That's not it, the fact that he didn't give me a present and got everyone else one," i explained.

"Oh," she said. "Do you want me to beat some sense into him for you?"

Knowing Kaitlyn, I knew she was actually gonna do it.

"Please don't, I- I just don't want to talk to him for a while," I responded. "Okay.." She said.

(Joe's POV):
Wow, I feel so bad about doing that. Damn, I shoulda told Kaitlyn to be in on it.

Now, she's gonna beat the shit outta me. "Caspar, you sure you're gonna stay here?" I asked. "Yeah," he called from his bedroom.

Now, I just have to avoid talking to Rachel.

Hope you guys enjoy this chapter! What do you think Joe's gonna do? & im super sorry for making this later than I usually do, I don't really have an excuse, I just procrastinate a lot. Anyways, please favorite and comment! 😊 ily
-r 🦄

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