Chapter 14

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(Rachel's POV):
It's half past 2 in the morning and Joe and I have almost finished my secret project.

"Would you like to do the honors?" Joe asked.

"Sure," I said.

I clicked the launch button. There it was. My very own YouTube channel. I wanted my channel to have a mix of Zoella kind of video, as well as Jennxpenn. A bit of makeup and skits.

I decided not to tell my fans about it just yet. I wanted to let them have a first video, so they wouldn't have to anticipate.

Since it was so late, Joe and I decided to film the video in the morning. We are going to film a channel trailer and a boyfriend tag.

I know I won't have lots of subscribers, instantly, but I can always work up to that stage and be like Joe.

I closed my Mac and plug the charge in. Joe fell asleep, a few minutes ago.

"Secret project coming either tomorrow or the day after ‼️😊💗💗" I tweeted.

Many comment came in trying to guess, while others try begging to find what it was.

"Sorry guys. I can't tell you guys, then it won't be a surprise 😂" I tweeted.

I went through all my social media (Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook) and favorited/liked/replied to my fans.

By the time I was finished, it was 3. I am so tired, so I finally went to bed. I charged my phone, which was at 13%.

I wrapped Joe's arms around me and fell asleep.

*drip* *drip*
I opened one of my eyes. Joe was trying to wake me up, by dripping some water on my face.

"Joeeee," I mumbled. "Wake up, we have to film!" He said.

"Ok, let's go and eat breakfast." I said, because I am super hungry.

We walked downstairs and made some waffles, for Joe, my mom and dad, and me. I personalized everyone of them to their liking.

For my mom's waffle, I put blueberries in them, since it's her favorite fruit, I put banana's into my dad, strawberries and whipped cream on Joe and mines.

Joe set the table, while I made smoothies. In my smoothie, I added raspberries, strawberries, watermelon, a small slice of banana, yogurt, and milk.

When I finished blending, I poured them into mason jars and put colorful, striped straws
in them.

Joe made some bacon, while I made scrambled eggs. My parents came down, while we were making them.

"Wow, you guys are quite the chef," my parents said. I smiled," Yeah, just something special, before we leave."

I finished up the egg, as well as Joe and his bacon. We put the bacon and egg on the side. Joe usually isn't a good cook, but he did really well.

We ate up our breakfast and I excused myself, as Joe left the table 5 minutes ago.

I walked upstairs and saw Joe changing into a gray 'jumper' (as British people would call it).

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2016 ⏰

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