Chapter 12

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(Rachel's POV):
I'm still really upset that Joe didn't give me a gift, but I don't that to ruin the Christmas time for me, especially since it's my favorite time of the year.

Why can't I just forget about it?

We finally arrived in my hometown. Kaitlyn live down the street from me, so we'll be spending Christmas together.

We walked to get our suitcases/baggage.

"Look, it's your mom!" Kaitlyn said, pointing. "Mom!!!" I cried. She had turned around and I walked up to her to give her a big hug.

"Wow, you've grown!" Mom said. "Yeah," i laughed. "I've missed you," I said. "Me too," she replied. "Hi, Vicky," Kaitlyn said. (It's what Kaitlyn called my mom) "Oh, hello, Kaitlyn," she said, as the hugged.

It been about a solid year, since I've seen her. We went into the parking lot and drove home.

We had finally arrived. "Wow, there's so much memories," I said. "Yeah," Kaitlyn said.

"Dad!" I called into the house. "Hey, pumpkin," he said. "Gosh, it looks so festive in here!!" I said. "I love it," I added.

(Joe's POV):
Christmas was in two days. It was an 11 hour flight. Damn, I still feel so bad for hurting Rachel.

The truth is, I did give her a present and I'm coming to spend Christmas with her. And I brought a necklace for her and I know she'll love it.

Caspar got aeroplane tickets to go to Hawaii and he's taking Kaitlyn, Rachel, and me on holiday. Caspar can't come to America, sadly, because he had a meeting about his book.

Rachel's family are in on it, so they know what happening. I packed my bags and was ready to leave. I drove to the airport and gotten ready for my ride.

The excitement race through my skin, but now, I just have to wait.

I finally got off the aeroplane and called a taxi to take me to Rachel's house. I told the driver to go a little faster and I'll tip him, I can wait to see Rachel.

We had finally arrived and I paid the driver. I called Rachel's mom and told her I was here. I was so excited and nervous. She told me that the door was unlocked. I went inside quietly.

I saw Rachel sitting on the couch. I snuck up behind her and covered her eyes. "What the hell?" She said.

(Rachel's POV):
"What the hell?" I said, as everything went dark. Then, the hand started to uncover and he stood in front of me.

"Hey," he said. "Joeeeee," I said and went in for a hug. "What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I got your present," he said. "Wait, what," I was so confused. After he explain it all to me, he added,"Your parents were in on this,"

"Wait, how'd you get their number?"

"I kinda went on your phone," he said. "But, it was because of a good cause," he quickly added.

"Oh, okay," I said. "Thanks for coming all this way," I said, as I started kissing him.

"Here's your present," he said. "Did you wrap this yourself?" I asked. I was wrapped really nicely.

"Actually, the workers said they could wrap it for me," he said.

I unwrapped the paper and saw a box. I opened the box, it had a gold necklace, with the words 'forever.'

"Oh my gosh. I love it," I said. I went in for another kiss. "I love you,"

A little later, we decided Joe was sleeping in my room. He went into my room and unpacked, while I went to talk to my parents.

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