4. Why Is The Wine Always Gone

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Starring: _opheliac as David <3 

Fück him. Fück him and that messed up movie.

It's not really his fault, but my brain doesn't like to listen to the 'it's only a movie' logic and I freak myself out and it's a vicious cycle.

So yes I spent half of the fücking movie squeezing his hand to pieces and the other half with my face buried in his shoulder, but now here I am all alone ... in the dark with no Scott to protect me.

Do you know how many scary noises there are at fücking 2:30am in a hotel?

Of course I couldn't sleep, are you kidding me? So I tracked down the bottle of wine the hotel had left for Scott as a gift when he arrived (sorry buddy but you owe me) curled up on the couch in a blanket cave and tried to write. Staring at a blinking cursor is almost as terrifying as that fücking movie.

Ok, not at all but I'm getting nowhere and I'm almost out of wine.

Fück him!

I'm whiney with no wine and no one to whine to. Kill me. Who is onlineeeeee. David never sleeps he has to be awake.

Lance: UGH i'm trying to write this stupid mechanic story and I know shit about cars
Lance: You have a penis tell me things about cars

David: Excuse me, where did YOUR penis go? Why would you think I know shit?

Lance: Because you're like an encyclopedia ... and you google shit all the time

David: My knowledge of cars consists of knowing cars move, they have an engine and have tires.

Lance: UGH I can't update Knights because I haven't figured out what I want the next chapter to be and every one shot I start sounds like a babysitters club chapter

David: Nooooo I want Knights lets do that instead pls
David: Not stupid cars story

Lance: you can't see me but i'm pouting right now
Lance: the wine is almost gone

David: Oh good god then we're screwed. Get more wine!!! Have I taught you nothing?

Lance: I can't there isn't anymore it's all closed
Lance: fück i need to get laid and find more wine can you drink wine and get laid at the same time

oooooh one shot idea

David:What kind of world do we live in where we have water coming from our sinks but not wine
David: I do love the old wonderful cliché of licking wine off someone's body. Do that

Lance: we should get together and create hotel that has a wine faucet- is that the right word? faucet? fountain? hose?
Lance: ha hose
Lance: fireman stories are cliche too huh
Lance: scott with a hose
Lance: and a HOSE

David: Boy you're WASTEF
David: Wastef
David: Oh fück this

Lance: im not
Lance: I'm sort of
Lance: fuzzy
Lance: trust me i wish i was wasted

David: Anyway firemen are hotttt. No pun intended

Lance: if i was wasted then I could fücking sleep
Lance: you stole my sleep didn't you

David: Why did you try to get drunk anyway? Bad night?

Lance: you could say that

David: Wallowing in your 'I'll never be Scott Hoying's man' pity?

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