20. New York State of Mind

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The next few days go by in a bit of a blur. He has a few little things that he has to do, but for the most part we're glued to one another. Alex comes around every now and then, but most of the time he hangs around some other friends. I tried to offer to change hotel rooms with him so he could be with Scott, but Scott was not on board with that idea and gave a very firm 'no'. Alex kept smirking at him after that and I wish I was in on whatever their stupid inside joke is because it's getting annoying. (Yes, I know I'm 5. I refuse to grow up, dammit!)

We, (well Scott and I   :-) :-) :-)  ) have lunch at the Stardust diner, and it's incredible as always but I can barely keep up with what's going on around me because I'm too busy watching him. He catches me a few times, but I don't even bother to try and hide it anymore. He already knows I'm head over heels, so what's the point in being embarrassed. What's he gonna do... fire me?

Ok, maybe I should worry an eensy bit...  I mean,  I don't want to make him so uncomfortable he doesn't want to be friends anymore, but I also want to take in everything I possibly can. It's a weird balance, but apparently I'm doing alright. 

Now, before we go further, let me explain that going out with Scott isn't always as easy as just walking out the door. Depending on where we go security has to be involved and sometimes call aheads need to be made. I mean, it's tough to be a normal person when every step you take someone is trying to stop you for a picture or an autograph or just to talk to you. He really and truly loves his fans, but it's easy to get overwhelmed. I don't normally get frustrated over it, but when time is as precious as it is now, it's tough to share him. I mean we'd barely been out of the hotel for an hour that first day and we'd hardly gotten anywhere. Finally he asked Renard (yes that is his bodyguards name. That guy has been with him since he came to Sony and he would give his life for Scott with 0 hesitation. I think most of us would. You know where I stand on that.) to handle the situation after that and backup was called in. We didn't have any problems after that. No fans got close enough to bother us and the brute squad (my nickname which they ADORE :-P ) gave us enough space that it wasn't uncomfortable to be followed around.  

So we made it to all of the shows I'd planned ( Hamilton is EVERYTHING by the way and Kinky Boots and Something Rotten are both must sees... I swear!) but I also took him to some of the places I'd already visited on my own. He got pretty curious about my old life and the places I used to hang out, so I figured why not.

Remember when I said those places didn't hold the same magic for me that they used to? Well, that's not exactly true.  Things changed a bit when I visited with Scott. Maybe it was because of my mood? (I already know what you're thinking and ... just.. I already know.)   

The music store was that same unique little hole in the wall where I used to thumb through crates of vinyl and buy useless little knick knacks just because. Somehow, when he was there with me, it had that fun vibe again that I'd missed when I was there only days before. 

Scott loved it and had to explore every nook and cranny like a child. I worried on multiple occasions that he'd end up breaking something with the way he loves to pick up everything, but we made it out without too much damage and the manager even got him to sign one of his album covers to put on the wall for display. In exchange Scott was gifted a little cat bank that sticks a paw out to steal coins. He was pretty obsessed with it and I can't really say anything, I had the same bank when I was in college. Great minds, right?!


We did a ton of shopping and sightseeing... We visited Battery Park, hit up the PDT (shhh) because Scott loves the novelty of it (and the owners and operators LOVE him), we walked the High Line and spent some time on Roosevelt Island (you know me and cats).  Of course we visited the 9/11 memorial and museum. We didn't really make many plans just walked and talked and made it up as we went along.  One thing I did plan was a picnic in East State park (one of my old favorites)... I noticed a few fans in the distance taking pictures but it wasn't too bad. I think I've just decided it doesn't matter what other people think. Whatevs.

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