5. Hope

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Lance: Davidddd
Lance: I need you to be my therapist...
Lance: And PS I'm not dead :) 

Well I think I died a few times today but it doesn't really count. *Sigh* Why do I do this to myself.

David: Well thank the lord!
David: Go on, shoot.
David: That sounded naughty.

Lance: I need boy advice...
Lance: you know i'm awful at this shit

David: Ooooooh juicy juicy!! Tell daddy

Lance: Don't get too excited there's not exactly a happy ending

David: Shush let me decide if it's happy or not

Damnit, Ava. Why do you have a life and other friends and commitments. How am I supposed to ask David for advice when I can't even tell him the truth about me and Scott!?.. whatever I'm desperate. Ok, think.  Time to get creative.  Alright, we got this. 

Lance: So I have this roommate... who is a boy... a very very VERY cute boy

David: And you liiiiike him

Lance: i mean...

David: You wouldn't be here asking if you didn't. You like him.

Lance: fine fine whatever Dr. Phil ... I like him ...
Lance: so anyway ... remember when i said I heard something last night? It was him... I woke him up by accident..
Lance: and then... everything got weird

David: You mean sexy weird or feelings weird?

Lance: all of the above?

David: Did he kiss you?? Omggggg

Are all fangirls this dramatic? Am I this dramatic? yeah yeah whatever

Lance: ok so he was cuddly guy who made me go to the scary movie right? so he felt bad cause i was scared and couldn't sleep
Lance: so he picked me up and carried me to his bedroom and made me sleep in his bed so he could protect me

David: He carried you??? And you slept together???
David: How can this not be happy oh my god!

Lance: hold your horses there's more

David: I hope it involves lots of juicy details

Lance: ok so yes he carried me but only bc there was wine and he was there looking the way he does... and i was being stubborn and he lost patience so he carried me ... and we fell asleep on opposite sides of the bed... ish

David: Ish?? How much ish are we talking about?
David: And shut up he didn't have to carry you! He wanted to sleep with you

Lance: our arms were touching... BARELY... but that's it
Lance: here's where things get a little confusing
Lance: so i wake up and everythings great, comfy bed, i'm warm, no hangover..... and he's wrapped around me like a damn burrito

The memory is oh so good and I swear I could just live off of the details of that memory if I had to.  Well, I could if only I could erase what came after.

David: Of course he fucking was, why was I expecting anything different
David: Wait important question - what was he wearing? And you? Pjs? Shirtless? Naaaaaked??

Lance: calm your hormones i was in sweats and he was in his boxer briefs relax

David: He slept with you in his boxers only.

Lance; well, yeah what did you want him to wear, a snowsuit? We were just sleeping.

David: Should I remind you that you're a grown up? And there was nothing to protect you from? So he totally wanted to sleep with you???

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