31. Model Behavior

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I groan a little as I shift in my seat... again.  Thirteen hour plane rides make me antsy as it is, but this plane ride is different. 

Scott smirks from his seat next to me because of course he knows the source of my discomfort. It IS his fault after all. 

Let's rewind to yesterday, shall we? I know you're curious. Story time!

Sooooo...   Once upon a time in a poorly air conditioned studio, Scott  had a photo shoot for Rolling Stone.  While usually these kind of shoots are like eye candy central for me,  this time has one little difference. THIS time I had to watch MY boyfriend get up close and personal with this gorgeous ⱭSSHOLE. (ok, maybe i'm exaggerating the asshole part, but seriously!? Have some dignity man and stop throwing yourself at international superstars.) Stupid magazines and their stupid models and their stupid faces and abs. 

So I may have been a little jealous.  It's natural right?

Scott thought the entire idea of it was hilarious, so he turned up his flirt game. Bastard. I get it was for his job and it was really nbd, but i was a little... uneasy? no.  perturbed? yes but no.  Miffed. That's a good word for it. We'll go with it. 

So by the time ɑsshole Toby (stupid model man's stupid name. I hate it) asked Scott if he wanted to join him and his friends for drinks that night (and Scott said yes) i was well past miffed and a lovely shade of pissed.

He assured me the invitation was for the entire crew, but jealousy is an UGLY BITCH and mama was NOT happy. 

I hid it well, mostly because Scott was so cheery and chatty and it was disgusting so I sent him off to the shower as soon as we got back to the hotel and I went to my... mostly unused... room to start getting ready myself.

If Scott wanted to flirt with gorgeous models then I was going all in. He whined because I'd locked him out of my room, but nope... I was still angry. He was NOT getting in... no matter how many times he begged.

I heard the girls on the other side of the door when they arrived and they at least distracted him for a bit while I finished up and finally decided to grace them with my presence. He's not the sharpest tool in the shed (but we love him, right?) and continued to tease me about my jealousy, but I just ignored him and latched onto Kirstie's arm as we went down to meet our driver. I made sure to sit between Kirstie and Candice and Scott kept sending me pouty looks which I just ignored.

Yeah, yeah I get it. I'm a giant, jealous child. Oh well. 

Of course the moment we stepped into the VIP area of the club, he went into social butterfly, extrovert mode and of course Toby (gag) was basically glued to him. Of course, Scott didn't seem to notice and just continued his conversation, both of them laughing and leaning into each other so they could hear over the loud music. 

I just stood in a corner with the girls and pouted and drank my drink. 

They tried to distract me and when they dragged me onto the dance floor I didn't argue.  We didn't spend too long getting sweaty, but it was fun and I was in a much better mood at that point.  At least I was until I noticed Scott was still totally focused on Toby (eye roll).  

The group we rejoined had grown while we were dancing as more of the evil model's friends had shown up.   I melted into my corner again, but one of the new boys in particular turned out to be extra friendly... at least to me anyway. He wasn't my usual type...  with brown hair that reached his shoulders, light scruff along his chin (AKA not Scott). He was rugged and tan and the sleeves of his shirt only accentuated the muscles of his biceps. He was gorgeous and couldn't seem to tear his eyes away from me. It was odd. I wasn't used to being the focus of attention, especially when Scott was so close by, but it was nice. 

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