16. Nosy

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My fairy tale is almost over and I'm endlessly sad about it. We leave for home tomorrow morning and I just wish I could rewind back to the first day we were here and relive it all again.

Alright, the truth is... I wish I could rewind because Scott has been acting weird for the past 3 days and I'm not sure how to deal with it. It was like someone hit a switch and suddenly he changed... at least when it comes to me. It's awful. I can't keep up with his moods and any hope of telling him how I feel has flown out the window.

Let me back up a little. 

So remember I told you we were going on a touristy drive to go sightseeing? Well, we did and it was amazing. We had the best time. I took some amazing pictures and saw some of the most beautiful scenery you could imagine. We talked and laughed and sang and were just us. For those few hours he wasn't an international superstar and I wasn't his awkward assistant... we were just Scott and Mitch. I was happy and he was almost abnormally clingy and I knew it was time to tell him. I resolved that that night would be the night no excuses.

Everything was still perfectly fine when we got back from our trip. We chatted about our day and while he showered I uploaded some of my pics to my laptop. He even reminded me that we were on a time schedule when it was my turn in the bathroom, but he did it with a joking smile as per usual.

I don't know what happened while I was in the shower, but in that short time everything changed. He was like a different person.

He apologized about the dinner cruise we were supposed to go on but said he wasn't feeling good and told me if I wanted to go by myself I could. Where's the fun in that? I asked if he needed any meds or anything but he declined. I went and got us both dinner and brought it back, but by the time I made it back to the lodge he was gone. He left a note that he needed some air so he went for a walk.

I should have known something wasn't right. He can barely turn around without notifying me first, especially when we're in a strange place.

I ate dinner by myself and wondered if he was alright. He didn't come back until late that night, but he went straight to bed with barely a word. I tried to ask him what was wrong but he just claimed it was a migraine. He forgets how well I know him... and I know how he acts when he's having a migraine and that was not it.

He said he still wasn't feeling great the next day so I ventured out on my own. I needed time to think anyway. I made a few friends in the cutest cafe and I spent some time alone in a museum wandering around, but without him... it just wasn't the same.

I came back fairly early and things seemed to be back to normal for awhile. He smiled and joked with me and I really thought things were going to be okay again. We went whale watching a little later in the day and things seemed to be back on track and I began to relax again. He even cuddled with me when I got cold on the boat and we talked about how scary and cool the ocean is. I wanted to tell him while we were out there, but we weren't alone and he still seemed a little distant. Regardless, I knew it wasn't the right time.

When we got back he got weird again and my heart sank back into my stomach. I tried to ask him about it, but he got unusually defensive, and when I pushed even a little he yelled at me. That's when I knew things were really wrong... so I just let him be. He was in the living room for most of the night doing God knows what. I was up most of the night with a brain that wouldn't shut down and a heart that was breaking.

I wanted to bug Ava about it but she had school stuff to worry about and I was probably overreacting anyway. Instead I just read some scomiche fic, updated some of my social media accounts and moped.

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