Chapter 1 - Mari's loss

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The rogue had taken his time playing with the boy toy of the other rogue. By the time he was done the human was less than pretty to look at and was tweaking big time. Since he was used to ingesting drugs, large quantities for a human, on a daily basis not getting any was impacting him. The hallucinations and withdrawals couldn't have been fun and even better when he was turned it was going to be miserable. If he lived long enough he was going to find that nothing would get him high for very long.

After the rogue's last use of the man he pinned him to the wall and started to call fourth his fangs. When he did that his eyes started to glow with hints of madness. He found it rather amusing the teeth hadn't caught the man's attention but his eyes had. With a great deal of malice, he ever so slowly bit down on the man's shoulder. As he did he was slowly working his teeth back and forth to spread the saliva around. It also caused the venom sacs to activate and inject the virus into his bloodstream.

As he did the man tried to scream at the burning agony but he couldn't. He found that his tongue might as well have been frozen to the roof of his mouth. It was obvious how much pain he was in as his eyes bugged out and slight whines of agony made their way past his vocal cords. Eventually the burning started to consume his entire body which caused his eyes to roll up in his head and he passed out.

"Good boy, I can feel the virus burning through your veins. Soon I will take you home and let your boyfriend have you back. Yesssss.... He will be so happy to see you." Once he finished speaking he slowly licked the blood off the bite. He did this to help it heal as well as the taste of the pain filled blood was sweet on his tongue. This was the first time he had ever changed someone and taken his time about it. He couldn't believe just how sweet the blood was and he knew he was going to be aiming to turn more this way.


It was a day later when the fever was really kicking in before the male decided it was the right time. The night before he had taken a short trip to find out what the other rogue was up to. When he found that the rogue was actually looking for his boy toy he was pleased, "I will give him back to you my sweet though I don't think you will appreciate it. I hope you have a lovely time with your new boy toy." He had whispered that to himself as he was watching the other in the distance. Again the Rogue's eyes were showing hints of insanity.

He did have to wait for dark for obvious reasons but with the silver cuffs the other couldn't do much even if he did change. The cuffs were designed for were-creatures and were a metamorphic metal. They could change but the cuffs wouldn't come off and would limit all were abilities. After he tossed the other in the back of his van he gave him a massive injection of Ketamine. It would be enough to keep him out of it till he got him to the apartment. Once there he might give him another injection of it. Then again he might consider giving him an injection of PCP and Meth. Now that would be amusing since he was already hallucinating. It would totally trip him out and between his hallucinations and being hyped up about anything might happen.

The male had a rather sick smile on his face when he thought about that. Even though he was almost fantasizing about how that would go he was driving carefully since the last thing he needed was to be pulled over. It wasn't just the male in the back but the quantities of drugs he had been forced to collect for what he was going to do. Eventually he arrived at the apartment the other rogue lived in. After watching for a while he decided nobody was home. After giving the other a good shot of drugs he carried the other to the door of the apartment. He had stolen the key from the boy toy so the Rogue let himself in and dragged the other in. One last injection and he left. By now the turned human was starting to wreath in agony and since the cuffs had been removed the cat was starting to show.

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