Chapter 12 - Dan does love you Mari

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Mari was staring at Dan and Steph in horror as she dropped the bowl. Yes she knew that Ms. Eaton was interested in Dan and Dan her, but this was too much. It was stupid for her to get so worked up about it since she was an adult but Dan had quickly worked his way into her emotions. He was the real father she hadn't had for many years and this hurt. It hurt really badly that he hadn't even mentioned he might be considering changing Ms. Eaton into a lycan.

Dan groaned at her reaction and then growled. "I did not change her Mari. When I was doing the calling something happened. I have not bit her to change her or even make her my mate. I didn't do whatever the hell happened just to annoy you. She is my mate though and she has admitted that." He walked to the coffee pot and poured some coffee. He was sounding both confused and grumpy.

Steph snorted at him. "The worst part is if I told you to bite me you probably would. Can you get me a cup as well Dan? I am feeling slightly in shock at the moment." She looked at Mari and sighed since it was easy to tell how upset she was at the moment. "I actually said much the same to him but I don't think he did anything wrong. When he was doing that song thing it just hit. Good god that call was sexy..."

Mari didn't even blink at the joke though later she might groan. "Ms. Eaton please do me a favor and avoid words like sexy and stuff about him? It is way to disturbing." She was definitely whining when she said that. It didn't even cross her mind that Aurora had said much the same earlier in the day. This was her Alpha she was talking about.

Dan carried the cups over to the table and set them down before he walked over to Mari. He wrapped his arms around her and held her. *Marissa I truly didn't do anything to change her and I am going to have to talk to some elders about it.* He sounded tired when he sent to her as well.

She looked down at the ground while he was holding her. She stared at it for a short time. "I need some time Alpha. I need to think about this." Mari hardly ever called him Alpha unless she felt the need. In this case she was worked up enough she didn't feel comfortable calling him Dan. "If you will please excuse me." She picked the bowl and fork up. After placing it on the counter she left out the back door. Moments later she had stripped and changed.

Shanna stood up and with a smile at both Dan and Ms. Eaton as she left the room as she followed Mari outside. By the time she had stripped and shifted Mari was gone. Since they had changed a number of times she had a pretty good idea where Mari was headed. There was a small cliff which looked out over the small lake on Dan's property. The cliff was well concealed by heavy bushes and if Mari hadn't shown it to her she would probably have never found it.

Shanna and her cat slowly worked their way into the very small clearing and found Mari in there. She was lying down with her head on her paws and looking out over the small lake. *Hey love, just wanted to come and say I love you.* She wasn't going to push it at the moment since Mari was going to be very sensitive about what was going on. Based on what Shanna knew Mari honestly looked to Dan as her actual father. This was going to hurt her no matter what happened. It was going to take her some time to come to terms with it as well.

Mari growled slightly though her heart wasn't in it and she started whining. *Damn it I don't blame Dan for finding his mate but why did it have to be one of our teachers? I feel like I am going to be spied on all day long now.* She kept looking out at the small lake as she was talking.

*It has been hard enough letting anyone into my inner most self but now? I don't know what to do.* Dan deserved happiness and Mari know what having a mate was like now. It was just so fucking scary to her. Now she was looking at having to let Ms. Eaton in as her female Alpha and it terrified her. If she had been human she would have been curled up in a ball and sobbing her eyes out.

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