Chapter 13 - I am so sorry Mari

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As Dan had told her to do, the next morning Mari rolled out of bed and got ready for the day. They were going to be meeting three new pack members and run them to where they used to live. From the sounds of it they didn't have much stuff so it shouldn't take too long to pack them up and bring them back. She didn't like the idea but she was going to take the Beast since it was large enough for the five and their stuff.

As she was getting dressed she glanced at Shanna who was still lying on the bed. She was looking at Mari with sleep filled eyes. She looked so content it was damn tempting to crawl back in with. "Move your butt girl or I am going to get a bucket of ice water. You are not going to be able to tempt me into getting back in bed." Just for good measure she made a face at Shanna and headed out of the room.

Shanna yowled at Mari at the mention of ice water. "If you even think about it I will give your wolf another tongue bath and make sure she looks really funny when done." She rolled off the bed and stretched. Shanna slouched into the bathroom to brush her teeth. While she was in there she stripped her shirt off. Looking in the mirror she looked so much more like the girl she had been. Gone was the tired and pale face. Her skin was still pale but it had a healthy glow to it. Her ribs were no longer visible as they had been. Her breasts had filled in as well and she looked so much better. The only thing really left was a faint tracing of gray in the scar and her short fluffy hair.

When she finished brushing her teeth she walked out and got dressed. Once that was done she knocked on the door to Aurora and Garrett's room. "We are done with the bathroom and will be leaving shortly to go and help those three pack up. See you later cous." Shanna left the room and headed downstairs and found Mari in the kitchen. She wrapped her arms around the small woman and nuzzled her neck. "Love you Mari." It felt so good to say it and she knew it was helping Mari.

Mari leaned back against Shanna and smiled. "Love you to Shanna. My love and my life." They stood there for a few moments before Mari heard Dan and Steph coming into the kitchen. She still wasn't comfortable with Steph knowing what was going on even though Steph had been very considerate. It wasn't the whole lesbian thing. Mari didn't care about that. It bothered her knowing one of her teachers knew what was going on in her life.

Shanna moved away from her and headed to the coffee pot. "Cereal? I am going for a massive bowl of mini-wheat's. I don't know about you but I don't feel like cooking anything this morning." As she was talking she had gathered up a bowl and started pouring cereal in it.

Mari felt bad when Shanna moved away but she needed time to deal with this change. Chances were good Steph would be moving in soon and that was going to be hard as well. She did feel good for Dan for finding his mate since Shanna was her other half. It really did help knowing she was there next to her. Mari felt frustrated with who he ended up mating with since it felt like it was someone else to watch over her. "I am going with the Cinnamon things who eat each other." Another large bowl appeared.

Dan gave Steph a slight smile since he could feel Mari's thoughts on his mate. He understood but it was going to be good for everyone. "Well I am going to break out some leftover's. I don't feel like cooking this morning either."

Steph had to grin at how Mari described the cereal, "I am not sure why but wanting to eat cannibalistic cereal bothers me. I think I will go with leftovers as well." She followed Dan to the fridge and gave him a good kiss. As they were working on the leftovers Aurora and Garrett came down.


Mari and Shanna walked over to the pack side and found the three waiting for them. Mari yawned at them and grumbled. "I blame my waking up this early on you three. Well that and Dan kicking me out of the house for part of the morning. Shall we?" She had a large travel mug of tea in her hand which she was sipping on.

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