Chapter 11 - What did I ever do to you Dan?

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She had been asleep when the calling started. When it was strong enough for her to react to she screamed in agony since one third of her wanted to respond. She sat up in bed with a howl of soul deep agony. Her eyes popped open and one was glowing a dark brown of her wolf and the other was showing the yellow of her cat. The calling made it feel like her head was being torn in two and her soul into three parts. Since neither she nor her cat would willingly respond it kept her wolf from responding.

How long that bastard Alpha did the calling she didn't know but when it finally stopped she collapsed unconscious on her bed. Even now her face was contorted from the pain the calling inflicted on her.


While Garrett and Aurora were upstairs Mari and Shanna started to get the living room ready for their guests. Thankfully all of Mari's friends had been able to get permission to come over for most of the day. To be honest Mari was somewhat worried about how it was going to go. It had been years since she had last invited anyone to where she lived. Since her father had only 'visited' her at night it was her mother she wanted to keep her friends from. She tended to be drunk most if not all the time. It was so embarrassing how she acted once she had been drinking. "I am going to greet them outside and have a talk with them."

Shanna pulled Mari into her arms and gave her a good hug. *Love you Mari. It will be fine.* In the distance the sound of two cars could be heard and Shanna gave Mari a good kiss before letting her go. "I will finish getting the drinks and stuff." She could feel how nervous Mari was about this and hoped it would go fairly smoothly.

Mari gave her a grateful hug and kiss back before she started towards the door. She had heard the cars as well and they didn't belong to any of the pack members. That almost made it have to be their friends. Mari grasped the door handle and paused for a moment before she opened the door and stepped out. With a sudden burst of nervous energy, she hopped down the steps and went to stand next to her car.

Sandi was driving her car which had the girls in it and Timothy was driving the other one. Once they had parked all five climbed out of the cars and stared at the house. "Damn girl, if I had known where you lived I would have asked to move in with you." Sandi was rather impressed since it was huge.

Mari snorted. "It belongs to my guardian so there isn't much I can really say to that besides I think both of our girlfriends might object." She gave Sandi a good hug after she teased her. "On a more serious note there are a few rules I need to put down. As I said Dan is my guardian because my parents are dead. Please don't ask me any major personal questions. Also we have Aurora and another friend over. He is in a similar position as I am. He lost his family recently and he is very twitchy. Give him a bit of room." She frowned for a moment. "Oh, stay in the living room and kitchen area. Dan has an office and his bedroom is on the first floor." She shrugged slightly.

Timothy, Kelvin, and Mouse all gave her sympathetic looks. They hadn't known about that since Mari rarely talked about herself beyond a certain point. They slowly nodded and Mari was getting an evaluating look from Mouse. There was definitely more going on than met the eye and she was going to find out what it was. She hated not knowing things and it drove her nuts until she figured it out. "Do you have internet access?"

Mari returned the look and wanted to yell at Mouse. She knew what was going on behind those eyes of hers. She knew that Mouse was good with the computer and could find some of the darndest things. "We do but don't get any funny ideas. Believe me if you do anything more than browsing the internet your evil toy will probably explode. I don't know who does Dan's security system but... I do know it is NSA standard quality."

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