Chapter 6 - Shanna I want to kill someone

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Mari and Shanna were headed home after school that day. It had been interesting to say the least. Sandi and Kelli kept staring at the two as they tried to reconcile Mari being mated to Shanna. Mari didn't ask but decided it was the wolf and cat thing. Aurora had actually joined Mari's group of friends for lunch. That had also gotten a number of stares as well. Nobody had said anything but she had felt them wondering what the heck was going on.

"Well that was an interesting day at school. "I wonder when Emma and Garrett are going to start. I know there is going to be paperwork which needs to be done. I am glad I am not an Alpha since paperwork would make me grumpy." Mari had to shake her head at that. Before they could start she knew Dan was going to need to find out where they were from. There would be legal issues as well since they weren't his children or Joachim's either. She knew Dan loved running the pack even though he did grumble at the paperwork needed.

Shanna shrugged. "I am going to assume next week. That will give the three time to start settling in. It will also give Joachim and Dan and Joachim time to get the paperwork done." One thing they hadn't had a chance to do was to talk to the three about what happened. Since the three were at the Pride house Shanna and Mari were headed there. Dan was going to be talking to the wolf pup before he did anything. From what she understood Joachim and Dan had decided to interview the three together.

Mari had to sigh. "I really feel bad for them. We need to talk to them before Dan and Joachim do. Something happened to them and their pack or prides. I can smell and sense the fear and loss from all three." She could sense it more from the wolf since she was a wolf herself.

Her mate rested a hand on Mari's leg and gave it a light squeeze. "I know and to be honest I am rather scared to talk to them. I keep getting a feeling this is going to bring memories back of what happened to my family. I will do it for Joachim and Emma." When Mari rested her hand on top of Shanna's it helped her relax. "Thanks love." Shanna had a feeling it was going to bring back memories for Mari as well.

Damn it Mari couldn't help but blush. Every time Shanna called her love she blushed and it was darn annoying. What was even worse was Mari had a feeling Shanna did it sometimes just to tease her. It wasn't in a bad way but Shanna kept telling her she was so cute when she blushed. "I will be there as well and I have a feeling it is going to bring up some of my memories as well. No I didn't have a pack torn away from me or anything like that but..." She settled for squeezing Shanna's hand. "I do have a feeling the wolf pup is going to have the worst story."

Even when they met him he had been withdrawn and wouldn't go very far from one or the other of the two females. Mari could sense that he might not be able to leave their 'little' pride at the moment. Maybe later he might but not for the foreseeable future. She knew Dan would be as gentle as possible but he was also the Alpha and had to take care of the pack. "I think we should go and sit with the three of them and I will see if I can give him some comfort."

Shanna was forced to take several breaths as she felt some of her memories come back. "I know Mari and it is something both of us really need to sit down and start talking about. It has been so hectic and busy we really haven't had much us time." Now it was her turn to blush. "That and I have to admit I would like to do a bit more than cuddling one of these days." She was still recovering but she had more energy and her cat was pushing to finish the mating.

Mari rolled her eyes. "Damn it girl, are you trying to kill me with blushes? If I turn any redder I will probably pass out and not be able to drive and crash." She wanted to hide her face behind her hair but that wouldn't be a good idea. "So back to what I was saying, do you have a problem with my giving the boy comfort?" They were still feeling their way into how Mari's submissive wolf fit into their relationship. There was a drive that was slowly getting stronger to comfort stressed wolves. In many cases that could just be a hug but other times it was curling up in a lap and relaxing with them.

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