Chapter 9 - I want a new mattress!

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Steph was starting to wonder if she had been kicked in the head to many times. This was surreal and it kept getting even more surreal as time went on. The oddest part was that she honestly wasn't having that much of a problem accepting this new reality. There was something about Dan which drew her and in some ways helped her come to terms with it. Maybe part of it was the in your face watching the two females change. The first had been the puma and she was much larger than any puma alive. The other was watching the oversized bobcat change mid jump and scream mine at Joachim.

What she had learned after that was disturbing since there was a great deal she wasn't being told. Steph didn't think it was to hide stuff from her so much as they just hadn't had time to talk. Steph just knew part of it dealt with Mari and Shanna not to mention the three kids. Once she had convinced Dan to let her come with she had settled into the SUV. The drive over was fairly silent as both were dealing with their thoughts. She could feel the anger and frustration from Dan and didn't blame him. Hell she was feeling rather frustrated by what was going on. Every time she tried to spend time with Dan something happened.

Once they arrived and walked into the house she settled for following Dan to wherever he was going. It didn't take very long to get to Aurora's room. She stopped outside the door and settled for watching. Again she had the urge to cover her eyes since Shanna only had panties on, Mari did have a shirt on but obviously nothing else. The youngest girl was nude again; Aurora and the boy looked like they were getting ready to head to bed. "I am so not used to this crap damn it." Steph murmured as she watched what was going on.

She gasped when Dan with a mixture of casual brutal efficiency and callous disregard for pain ripped a piece of his arm off. It wasn't a huge portion, maybe an ounce worth at most but it still made her want to gag. What he did next was enough to make her turn away for a few minutes. He stuffed the piece of flesh into the boy's mouth and forced him to swallow.

When she turned away her eyes met Joachim's and there was a slight quirk to an eyebrow. It was almost as if he was saying 'wolves, what are you going to do'. "Maybe I should have waited back at Dan's place. What did he just do if anyone can or will answer me?"

Joachim gave her a wry smile. "It is how Wolves bring new members into the pack. It is blood magic and is as old as their species is. By taking a piece of the Alpha's flesh and blood it forms the pack bonds." He had felt the surge of power as Dan was doing his part to take care of the wolf. "We, cats, simply use blood and not flesh. Flesh isn't always required but it gives a more powerful connect at first."

He glanced inside the room. "Let me show you downstairs while Dan and Mari deal with this. None of them need additional observers for what is going on." He raised his voice. "Emma I know you would like to stay but go get dressed and come downstairs."

Emma sighed and gave Garrett one more hug now that he had stopped fighting. She changed forms and padded over to the door. She paused to butt her head against Joachim's leg before giving the female a light sniff. *I will go like this. I don't feel like getting dressed right now.*

Joachim leaned over and scratched her ears. "This is fine Em so just go down to my office and we will be there in a minute." He smiled as she padded down the hallway. Her short tail amused him for some reason and his cat wanted to swat at it. They had before and usually received a hiss for it.

Steph sighed again. "That is just so weird to watch darn it. I think I might be in need of a tall cold one." She muttered as she followed the oversized bobcat down the hallway. Eventually they made it to the office and she flopped in a chair and looked over at the cat. "I assume you can understand me. Would you mind coming over so I can pet you? My brain is trying to believe my eyes." Without really thinking about it she held a couple of fingers out for the cat to sniff.

Dan's mate - Howl in the Night 3जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें