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After long long minutes of Taehyung and Jin's argument, Taehyung and Jungkook could finally take a seat so they could have their breakfast. They had already order their foods and they were only waiting for the food to be served.

While waiting, Jungkook could only ponder over and over about his affection towards Taehyung. He knows it's really cliche to like someone who you just met. But Jungkook couldn't lie to himself.

Everytime he looked over to Taehyung, the elder would always give Jungkook a big goofy smile which always makes Jungkook's heart leaps.


A ring from Jungkook's phone brought him back to reality. He quickly pulls out his phone because he knows what the notification he just received was from.

He quickly unlocked his phone and opening the black market's web. He received a reply from his target and a smirk crept over his face. Not a creepy one though. His smirk shows like he just won something and that makes Taehyung who was sitting right in front of him curious.

"Jungkook? Did you just won something or something great happened?"

Taehyung's voice made Jungkook quickly locking his phone and placing his phone face down.

"u-um, nothing there's nothing.."

Jungkook stuttered as he tried to transform his smirk into his usual cute bunny smile. At that exact moment, the food they ordered arrive.

"here's both of your order!"

Jin exclaimed as he placed Taehyung's order which was a turkey sandwich and an American style breakfast for Jungkook.

Jungkook licked his lips as he can't wait to dig in his food and fill his empty stomach.

Jungkook has finally finished eating in just a matter of minutes. Taehyung on the other hand, has already finished his breakfast before Jungkook.

"woah hyung, you eat like you haven't eaten for days.."

"well... I haven't eaten since yesterday.."

Taehyung sat there while rubbing his nape and grinning like an idiot whilst Jungkook could only stare at Taehyung in disbelief.

"why didn't you tell me? You know you can get sick right? You can ask me to eat out with you. Why didn't you ea-"

"shush my child..."

Taehyung interrupted Jungkook as he placed his index finger on Jungkook's lips. Taehyung looked up dramatically as he began talking again.

"I didn't want to bother you since I know you're probably bu-"

A very familiar ring from Jungkook's phone made Taehyung silent. The older just stared to Jungkook as he pulls his finger away from the younger's lips.

Jungkook then pulls out his phone from his pocket to see another message from his current target.

"reply in 15 mins or the deal is off."

Jungkook quickly typed in a reply as he didn't want to risk losing a chance to bust the illegal seller.

"no. I still want those limbs. I'll take it no matter how much it costs."

After replying, Jungkook placed his phone back to it's first place.

Taehyung who was sitting right across Jungkook knew what the younger did from the beginning.

He knew that Jungkook has found a new target. He knew that Jungkook was trying out something new.

As much as Taehyung wants to spill all the stuff that he knows about Jungkook, he can't.  He can't just open up to Jungkook and tells him he knows basically everything about him.

Taehyung coughed, gaining attention from the younger.

"so, want to head out? We can go to the arcade if you want."

Taehyung suggested. Jungkook wants to decline at first since he has to take care of his target. But, in the back of his head he thought that he never hang out anymore so he accepted.

Just as Taehyung had suggested, they went to the arcade not before paying for their meals of course. Also, Taehyung and Jin had gotten into another stupid argument because Taehyung had apparently tease Jin and his boyfriend, Namjoon. Although Taehyung and Jin knew that they were both joking and didn't mean whatever they had said to each other.

Back to Taehyung and Jungkook, they both had arrived at the arcade. The arcade wasn't that crowded and Jungkook was quite relieved.

They decided to play Tekken first since they are both big fans of the game.

For the first round, Taehyung had won and that makes Jungkook more excited to play the game since he doesn't want to lose.

For the second round, Jungkook did won. But he got beaten in the next round and that makes Taehyung the winner.

Taehyung stood confidently as he poses as if he has won an award. Jungkook who lost can only laughed out loud watching his hyung who was acting like an idiot.

Both of them had moved from playing Tekken to the basketball machine. Since both of them wasn't very athletic, they only lasted for a round because what can you expect from boys who spends their time indoors? If Jimin played this they were sure he could reach a hundred points even more.

After agreeing not to play anything physical anymore, they decided to head out and just walk instead.

Jungkook noticed that Taehyung likes to skip every now and then which he thought was cute for someone who is older than him.

The younger couldn't take his eyes off of the other that he almost, almost ran into a pole. Funny right? Jungkook thought so too.

this is boring and not worth the wait

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