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Jungkook was shocked. Hell, who wouldn't be shocked. He frozed in his spot, mouth wide open and his mouth is covering it.

Why is Taehyung there? How did he know my target?

Jungkook's screen which was showing the picture of Taehyung changed. At first it was black, then a clown face appeared and a loud laughing can be heard. After a moment, a video appeared.

There Jungkook can see Taehyung and the guy who captured Taehyung.

"hello Jungkook"

The man who is in a clown mask spoke. His voice sounded like he was using a voice changer and made his voice lower. Taehyung kept his head down, he doesn't want Jungkook to see him in a condition like this. He doesn't want to worry Jungkook. But he knows it's too late.

"what the fuck do you think you're doing?!" Jungkook yelled, his eyes were burning with anger and that made Taehyung cranes his head up. Jungkook can see Taehyung's face clearly now and the sight made Jungkook even more furious.

Taehyung's chapped lips was filled with cuts, one of his eyes were bruised and there was a long cut on his cheek which was making Taehyung's cheek covered in blood. Taehyung's eyes were red and puffy, signing that he had been crying for God knows how long.

"why don't you ask Taehyung right here, hm?" The man in the mask took out a pocket knife and traces it gently following his jaw and to his neck which made Taehyung closing his eyes and clenches his teeth in fear.

"Taehyung what did you do?" And Taehyung frowned, he doesn't know what he must say. That he's saving Jungkook's life? That he's the 'Anonymous'? No he can't. Not right now. So he decided to just be quiet and not answer Jungkook's question.

The man decided to speak up since Taehyung didn't answer Jungkook's question. "This guy right here wanted to be a hero so that he can save you from me," The man laughed loudly as if mocking Taehyung who kept his head low.

Jungkook's eyes widen. Taehyung knows? "B-but... How?" Jungkook doesn't expect Taehyung to speak up but he did. "Because I'm 'Anonymous', Jungkook.. I'm also a hacker.." Taehyung spoke almost like a whisper but it can be heard by Jungkook.

Before Jungkook can ask any more further questions, the man in the mask speaks up. "If you want to get Taehyung back without his limbs bring cut off, come and try to find me Jungkook ssi.." The man laughed again before ending the live video and turned Jungkook's screen back.

Jungkook screamed in anger and frustation. He must help Taehyung.

However it is. I must help Taehyung and I won't let that son of a bitch hurt Taehyung in any ways.

i love you guys' comments even when you say you hate me i still love you *ew :^)

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