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After that terrifying and quite traumatizing phone call he got from his supposed to be target, Jungkook didn't even bother to check his phone everytime it rings. He was still too shocked since it's the first time he's ever experienced this.

Meanwhile, Taehyung who was calling Jungkook over and over again got worried if the younger was okay or not. He even spammed Jungkook with messages like "are you okay?" and "Jungkook are you still alive?!"

Taehyung was more than frustrated. He knows he shouldn't think negatively but who wouldn't be concerned in times like this? Taehyung has finally set his mind. He's going to confront Jungkook's blackmailer even though deep down he's terrified.

He turned on his computer and went straight to VeryCheezy's profile. Then, he copied his profile's link so he can track down his IP address. Once he got the IP address, he went on ghost mode so he can dug deeper into this person's profile.

There was some firewalls that was set up but Taehyung easily went through all of those. Taehyung was also really impressed at how careful and precise this person was.

After going through about 4 firewalls, he stumbled upon something disturbing and terrifying at the same time. There was a writing that said, "don't go any further. if you do, i'm sure you'll regret it :)". Taehyung was curious although he knew that he shouldn't go any further and just do what is instructed.

But, Taehyung being the curious one didn't stop. He continued going deeper. The last firewall was hard to go through as Taehyung did all that he can but he still hadn't gotten through it yet.

When Taehyung was finally going to suceed, his computer shuts down on his own and he was confused. His lights were still on so it wasn't because of the electricity and the power plug was still intact.

Maybe my computer couldn't handle the pressure?

Taehyung just shrugged it off since he knows that he could finish where he left off. So he turned his computer on again and it luckily turned on.

When the computer was finally on, Taehyung was greeted by something horrifying. Bold blood red letters were shown on his CPU.

"didn't I tell you to back off, Taehyung-ssi? :)"

The boy could feel shivers down his spine as he re-read the words over and over again. Taehyung comes to his senses and realized that he shouldn't be scared.

It's for Jungkook. I can't be scared.

Taehyung breathes in deeply as he goes back to continue where he left off. But before he could, a notice box popped up.

"Taehyung-ssi why are being so stubborn? What do you want to know? Are you the FBI? Wait, a university student shouldn't be able to be in the FBI although you're in IT hmm.."

Taehyung cursed mentally. He knows he should stop and just live a normal life. He knows he could've just report the police but if he does he will also be arrested since he has browse the deep web.

"well, VeryCheezy I am in the FBI and I'm going to bust your fucking twisted ass in jail"

Taehyung replied although it was all just lies and he was sure that this guy must've known he was lying. He didn't know what he was thinking but it was too late since he has already sent the reply to him.

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