A New Day

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Heya! Maybe I can keep this one going if anyone takes interest in it! :)


Raven woke up way earlier than usual. She looked around suspicously, she shook off the odd feeling and got dressed. She slowly peeked out of her room and made her way to the kitchen, looking forward to a hot cup of herbal tea. She grabbed her usual tea kettle and two bags of peppermint tea, her favorite, and sat down with a book on meditation.

She was about to start reading when a small noise caught her attention, she whirled around to see Beast Boy standing there. She froze, his grin held her in place

"Hey Rae" He said sleepily. His dark green hair was still messy.

"Hello Garfield" She said numbly. She couldn't help but smile at his duck pajamas.

"Why do always call me that?" He asked sounding more awake.

"It's your name" She said simply. Beast Boy shrugged and walked towards the stove, he took a long wiff of the tea and sighed

"Can I have a cup when it's ready?" He asked grinning.

"Sure" She said. I never knew Garfield liked herbal tea. Raven smiled and happily poured him a cup when it was ready.

"Thanks" He smiled and eagerly and started sipping it once she handed it over. Raven smiled to herself while she sipped her own tea.

"Why are you up so early Garifeld?" She asked closing her book.

"I don't sleep that much anymore" He admitted looking at the table. Raven nodded, she knew why. Terra. Everytime she thought of Terra a small flame lit up inside of her. Not only had Terra betrayed them, but she had also broken Beast Boy's heart. Raven held back her anger and said a few meditation lines in her head.

Beast Boy looked up and saw Raven focusing hard on something. He reached out and lightly touched her

"Im ok" He said smiling. Raven nodded and relaxed slightly. She sighed and sipped the rest of her tea. Beast Boy sucked his down and headed back to his room for a shower. Raven opened her book, but couldn't seem to focus on it. her mind kept trailing back to Beast Boy touching her. She tried to shake the thought, but her skin was still tingling from where the contact was made.

Robin, Starfire, and Cyborg eventually joined her in the kitchen one by one. Robin was the team leader, he was an apprentice under Batman, but ventured off and started up the Teen Titans. He has no powers, only gadgets and years of training, in all reality he was a one man army. Starfire was a beautiful alien that came to earth several years ago. She is very powerful and very sweet, sadly she was also very lost. Her lack of knowledge causes her to get confused easily, but she has good intentions at heart. Cyborg is half man half machine, he was injured to the point of death, but a man was able to save him by giving him machine parts. Beast Boy is a shape shifter that has green skin, hair and pointed ears. He has a great sense of humor and can always crack a joke at the worst time. Raven is a powerful empathy that can move things with her mind. Her father is a powerful demon that plans to use her to end the world. They stopped it from happening once, but you never know when he'll strike again. Robin was ready for action, but lately nothing was really happening in the city. Slade wasn't causing trouble, and everyone else was behind bars. She laid back on the couch next to Starfire and listened to the teams conversation.

"How about pizza?" Cyborg suggested.

"We had that yesterday" Robin countered.

"Chinese?" Starfire offered.

"TOFU!" Beast Boy roared as he entered the room.

"No" Cyborg said, sounding annoyed.

"I liked Starfires idea" Robin said, smiling at her. Starfire clapped and giggled.

Beast Boy sighed and sat down next to Raven, she nudged over to make some room for him. After the lunch ordeal was decided they loaded up into the T-Car and sped off into town. Raven looked out the window as Beast Boy poked her. Raven was about to hit him but they were already at the rresturant, Beast Boy smiled and slipped out of the car.

Beast Boy grumbled to himself as he walked up to the place, but burst out with joy when he saw it was next to his favorite tofu place. He tried to get them to change their minds but no one else liked the tofu. Beast Boy slumped into the small resturant by himself.

Raven sighed and bit her lip, knowing this was probably going to raise some eyebrows "I think I'll go with Beast Boy" She annouced and quickly followed him before anyone could say anything. She walked in and saw him sitting at a high rise table, she breathed out and walked over

"Mind if I join?" She asked. Beast Boy looked up surprised but grinned happily

"Of course!" He slightly bounced he was so happy. Raven quietly sat down and folded her hands on the table.

"Whatcha want?" Beast Boy asked. He handed her a menu "The chicken tofu is the best" He added shyly. Raven nodded and considered her options. The small, pale waiter came over and took their order

"Chicken" Beast Boy annouced.

"The same" Raven said, she sounded more happy than usual. Beast Boy smiled and slightly blushed

"So, what made you change your mind?" He asked looking at her curiously.

"I didn't want you to eat alone" She admitted. She played with her short hair and tried not to look so nervous, but she was failing. Beast Boy smiled at her

"Thanks Rae" He said.

Raven nodded in reply. She waited for the waiter to walk by so she could ask for a drink, he nodded and quickly fetched it. Beast Boy stared at Raven, there was something about her that could always catch his eye. The waiter brought them their food and Beast Boy immediately dug in, Raven took a few minutes to inspect her food, finally she tried it. Not that bad..she admitted to herself. She finished up long after Beast Boy and set her plate ontop of his.

Beast Boy covered the bill and led Raven outside. He didn't bother waiting on the rest of the team, he led her down the street to a place he thought she might like.

"Where are we going Gar?" Raven asked curiously.

"You'll see" He said and smiled back at her. He caught sight of a hint of blush on her cheeks. With that he led her into a book store. This bookstore however, was different, it not only contained modern novels, but it also contained older novels as well. He smiled and released her hand, waiting for her reaction.

"You read?" She joked.

"Yes I read!" He said faking a hurt expression.

Raven smiled and walked over to a small section on meditation, she read through them quickly and picked out several she never knew about, Beast Boy stood behind her with a small smile, he walked up beside her and placed a hand on her shoulder

"You don't need those, your great with your powers already" He said looking into her purple eyes.

"T-thank you" Raven stammered, her cheeks were a deep red now. She smiled and put the books away. Beast Boy grabbed her hand and led her off once again.

After several hours of long walks and sight seeing. She and Beast Boy finally returned to Titans Tower. It was almost sunset, but it was the best day she had ever had, She slumped down onto the couch and closed her eyes, Beast Boy sat down beside her and rested his head on her shoulder. Raven smiled and placed her hand on his hand

"I had fun" She said tiredly.

"Me too" Beast Boy agreed.

Raven sighed happily and relaxed into the couch, Beast Boy adjusted with her, he turned on the tv and tried to find something they would both like, but before he could Raven was asleep, He smiled and curled up next to her, he covered them with a blanket and within minutes he was out cold too.

The day went by great, everyone was distracted. Raven was so distracted that she forgot tomorrow would be her seventeenth birthday.

A Different Side Of Me (RavenxBeast Boy Fanfic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя