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Ohmygosh Thank you everyone! :) All the reads and votes really help!



Raven looked out the window of the plane, it would be landing soon. Beast Boy was sound asleep on her shoulder. She kissed his head and sighed sleepily, the eight hour flight had really jet lagged her, and she wasn't even off the plane yet.  Robin and Starfire were talking and laughing about something, and Cyborg was chatting it up with some girl he had met.

The plane landed roughly and made Raven feel uneasy. Beast Boy woke up and saw that people were getting off,

"Well that didn't take long" He said, winking at her.

Raven stood up and stretched, she felt much better now that she could move around. Robin and Satrfire were already out waiting on them. Cyborg followed shortly after, he was talking this girls ears off. Raven smiled and looked away, the girl looked really tired. Cyborg said bye and joined them

"Where to?" He asked, sounding happy.

"The Me Amour Hotel" He said looking around. He saw an old guy standing there with a sign that said Teen Titans on it. The team grabbed their bags and made their way over to him

"I will be driving you around" He said with a heavy accent. Robin told him the hotel name, the man seemed impressed that they were staying there. He smiled and led them to the limo. Beast Boy held Raven's hand, they sat there together listening to Robin talk about the Eiffel tower. Beast Boy rolled his eyes

"Dude, give it a rest" He said, smirking at the talking boy. Robin smiled sheepishly and nodded. Starfire pointed out every interesting building that was on the way to the hotel. Everyone piled out and grabbed their bags, Beast Boy grabbed his and Ravens. Raven smiled and held the door open for him. The inside and outside of the hotel was extremely fancy, Robin blinked and walked up to the clerks desk

"Reservation for the Teen Titans" He said messing with his hair. The clerk smiled

"Go right on ahead" He said smiling at them. They took the elevator to the highest floor and unlocked the door to their suite, it was huge. There were four rooms, each had a different design. Somehow Raven and Beast Boy ended up with a purple and green room. Beast Boy plopped down on the couch and pulled her on top of him

"I'm tired love, are you?" He asked running a hand through her hair. Raven nodded and rested her head on his chest. Beast Boy pulled a pillow underneath his head and fell asleep, Raven soon followed.

They woke up several hours later. Robin and Starfire were knocked out on the couch, Cyborg was nowhere to be found. Raven snuck over to he balcony and saw him down by the pool, she smiled and motioned for Beast Boy to come over. She pointed down to Cyborg and went back to their room to change into a bikini. he quickly slipped on the simple black two piece and grabbed a towel. She pinned her hair up and headed for the pool, Beast Boy stared as she walked by. He would have to wait a bit before he could join her.

Raven set her towel on a chair and sat on the edge of the pool. She stuck her feet in and slowly adjusted to the cool water. She slipped in without making a splash and went under, she came back up and flipped her wet hair behind her head. She saw Beast Boy coming out in purple swim trunks, she smiled and floated there staring at him. She watched his muscles ove under his skin, he was very lean. She shivered and turned her attention away, Cyborg stood up and yawned. He waved at her and headed inside, Raven waved back and heard Beast Boy dive into the pool. She looked back and saw a green mass under the water swimming at her. She tried to move away but her turned into a fish and caught up to her. She felt his strong arms wrap around her waist, she leaned back onto his chest and looked up at him

A Different Side Of Me (RavenxBeast Boy Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now