Wedding Plans

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"Raven your not pregnant"

Robin said, a light smiled on his face. Raven sighed happily and sat down. She ran a hand through her hair and quickly ran off to her room to do something. Beast Boy smiled and looked at Robin

"Thank you"

"No problem" Robin said and smiled at him.

Beast returned to his cooking. He waited until Cyborg turned for somehing then added a spice into his meal. He quickly played it off like nothing happened and Cyborg didn't notice. As Beast Boy went to go get something from the fridge Cyborg poured bacon grease ino his dish.

Raven came walking back in, looking happy. She sat back down and continued to watch. Starfire eventually gave up on being sociable and went back to her room.

Beast Boy laughed and finished his meal before Cyborg. He grabbed a few paper plates and quickly distributed some of his dish on each. He laid them infront of Robin and Raven, a huge grin on his face. Raven smiled back and grabbed a small fork and nibbled on the cunk of tofu lightly. She threw the fork down and quickly started drinking water. Robin did the same. Beast Boy looked at them confused

"Its very spicey" Raven said after taking a long breath.

"Wha?" Beast Boy narrowed his eyes and looked back at Cyborg. Cyborg just smiled back at him.Beast Boy crossed his arms and looked away from him. Cyborg rolled his eyes and set up his dish for the two taste testers. He set down a neatly put together plate and smiled at them triumphantly. Robin was the first to take a bite of the huge burger, without missing a beat he threw the food and began coughing. He quickly sipped on his water and looked at Cyborg

"I think you each messed with each others food" He said, breathing heavily. Raven smiled and just pushed her burger away

"How about pizza?" She suggested.

"That works" Robin said and went off to go order the usual.

Beast Boy sat down next to Raven and held her hand

"I think we shou-"


"DAMMIT!" Robin yelled and ran over to the huge computer "I was really looking forward to pizza" He mumbled.

"Looks like downtown is under attacK" Cyborg said, looking grim.

"Titans! Move out!" Robin yelled. He was almost to the door when he saw Starfire slinking after them

"STAY HERE" Robin commanded and ran out of the living room. Starfire sighed and laid on the couch.

Cyborg looked back at her "We'll be back in a giff" He said smiling at her.

"What the?" Robin looked up at a huge black mass. The enemy was a new one. He watched as the mass hopped from building to building until it was at street level. The huge creature towered over them. There were no etails to it either, just a huge black creature.

"Titans Go!" Robin yelled and sprung into action. Beast oy turned into a bull and ran at it full force, but didn't hit it. He ran right through it, he turned around confused but wasn't able to doge a large swipe at him. Beast Boy was launched into the air. Raven formed a baseball glove out of her magic and caught him, he turned into a bird and looked down at her

"Thanks Rae!" He said and flew down beside her.

"Azeroth Metrion Zynthos!" Raven yelled and sent a car flying at the creature. The car also went through it. It turned its attention to her and sent a spray of mist her way. Raven tried to block it with a force field but it went right through and hit her.

"Ah!" She growled and hit the ground hard. Beast Boy helped her up and led her away from the creature.

"Stay" Beast Boy growled and ran off, he didn't get very far. The creature was following them.

"Beast Boy watch out!" Robin yelled and through a bomb at it. No effect. Robin grunted and looked back at Cyborg "Let's see if we can shock this thing!" He said. Cyborg nodded and waited for his lead.

Robin ran over to Raven and grabbed her hand "We need to get over the water" He said and started runnng towards the ocean. Raven lifted them up on a small platform and led them out to sea. The creature followed slowly. Beast Boy flew over to them and waited, he didn't look happy. Once the creature was over the water Cyborg transformed his arm into a cannon and shocked the water. The creature howled and screamed in pain as electricity shot through it. Within seconds the creature evaporated into thin air.

"Whew" Robin said and placed a hand on Ravens shoulder "Thanks"

"No problem" She said and gave him a light smile.

Beast Boy let out an irratated growl and pulled Raven away. He stormed off towards the tower dragging Raven behind him.

"What's wrong?" Raven asked sitting on her bed. She had been dragged all the way back to her room by an angry Beast Boy.

"I wanted you to stay put" He mumbled.

"Garfield.." Raven said, she lightly grabbed his hand and pulled him to her. He looked down at her with tired eyes.

"Im sorry" He mumbled.

"It's fine" She smiled and kissed his cheek.  He laid back on her bed and stared up at the ceiling

""I think we should go ahead and make our weding plans." He stated.

"Wha?" Raven asked, looking confused.

"You heard me Rae" He said and looked over at her. Raven sat back and thought about it long and hard before she answered.

"Alright" She said and looked at him.

Beast Boy smiled and pulled her down to him. He kissed her sweetly and laid her back.

"So, where will we go for our honeymoon?" He asked and kissed her.

"Hmm" Raven ran a han through her hair and tried to think of somewhere.

"How about somewhere tropical? You look good in a bikini" He said and grinned at her. Raven rolled her eyes and laughed

"That works" She said. Beast Boy leaned back and laughed. They sat there and discussed several things and places for hours on end.


Heyy! Sorry for the short chapter! I promise I'll update as soon as possible :)

A Different Side Of Me (RavenxBeast Boy Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora