You Again

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Beast Boy woke up violently from the nightmare. His body was covered in sweat, his head was pounding, and he was crying. All he wanted was his Raven back. He was so alone now,  he had to find her. He couldn't live without her. She was his one and only. The only person that really understood him and his pain. He needed her in his life, he would go mad without her.

 Several months had passed. No sign of Raven. No activity from Salde. What happened to them? Where did they go? Would they ever see their Raven again? The mnights and days grew longer as the Titans searched relentlessly for their friend. But slowly the hope started to fade, and the searches got shorter and shorter. Before long the Titans never left the tower, unless there was trouble. Beast Boy stayed curled up in her room, heart shattered into pieces. He never ate or spoke to anyone now. Robin paced back and forth in his room, blaming himself for Raven being taken away. Starfire played with Silky and tried to stay away from everyone, tempers were short nowadays. Cyborg ran searches everyday just to be sure, but mostly he worked onnew tracking devices and software.

Beast Boy sat in Ravens room, curled up on the soft bed. He clung to a pillow and let his mind go blank.


Beast Boy sighed and stood up. He walked out of Ravens room and made his way casually into the living room to see what was up. The rest of the team was already there, Robin looked excited and was gearing up. Cyborg typed fast on the computer to pull up an image

"BB! LOOK!" Cyborg yelled as the image popped up.

A slender girl with long purple blue hair stood ontop of a building. Her clothes clung to her body and she wore and S on her breast. The black and metal outfit looked all to familiar to them, it was what Slade made his apprentices wear. Beast Boy was rocked back on his heels, without a word he ran out of the tower and proceeded to the city without them.

Beast Boy changed from his eagle form back to his human form. He stood across from his lost love, her face was expressionless.

"Rae..?" Beast Boy sniffled. Raven looked up at him and gave him a small smile

"Hey Garfield.." She said weakly. Beast Boy ran at her and tackled her in a hug.

"I love you so much, please come back. I need you" He was pleading and crying.

"I...I cant" She said looking dark.


"He said he would kill you. That you have a virus in you that he could activate" She said, looking at him with tears in her eyes.

"Im fine, he's just saying that to have control over you" Beast Boy said, feeling anger rush through him.

"Please, have Cyborg check you. I have to go before he finds out that I left. But I had to see you...and make sure you were ok" She said kissing him.

While she was kissing him she didn't notice Beast Boy slip a small tracking device onto the back of her neck. He kissed her deeply and ran a hand through her hair. She smelled amazing, and her skin was so soft. He was going to get her back. He climbed off of her and pulled her up with him.

"I will get you back Rae" Beast Boy said, cupping her cheek. Raven smiled and let a few tears fall.

She turned and took off into the sky. She disappeared within minutes, Beast Boy watched her until she was out of sight. Robin and the others came rushing up just as she was gone, Beast Boy looked back at them happily

"Time to get Rae back" He said and placed a hand on Cyborgs shoulder "I slipped one of your new tracking devices on her, but before we go storming in I need you to check me for a virus" He said and started walking back towards the tower.

A Different Side Of Me (RavenxBeast Boy Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now