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Beast Boy sat there crying angry tears, He threw stuff, broke things, and cried out in pain. He couldn't take this, Raven was his one! He had fallen in love all over again and Slade had taken it away just as easily as the first time. He screamed in pain, horror, and misery. All he could do was stand there. Stand there as Slade took away the love of his life for the second time. He dropped down to his knees and sobbed to himself

"Raven....I'm so sorry..." He repeated over and over again. He rocked back and forth, trying to think of someway to save her, get her back, but he wasn't as smart as Robin. All he could do was sit there and wait, and the wait was killing him.

He stalked of to Ravens room. He sat there on her bed, hugging one of her pillows, it smelled so much like her. He drank in the scent and laid down. He sniffled and squeezed the pillow, there had to be someway, the had to save Raven. They couldn't let Slade use her for evil, but it was so hard to do anything when you had no leads.

Raven sat there with a blank expression, the torture she had went through had depleted the last of her energy. She didn't move, she barely breathed. Everything was starting to blur together. She grunted and tried to fight back the burning sensation that was running through her body

"Why fight it Raven? It's you destiny" He said sounding frustrated. He paced back and forth, watching her like a fox. Raven shivered and held herself, she wasn't going to be able to fight off her father influence much longer. She closed her eyes and whispered a phase to herself. Slade cocked his head

"What?" He said moving closer. Raven looked up at him, her eyes were blood red. She stood up and hovered over him

"You wanted me to give in? Well here you go!" She said in a dark voice. She raised up her hands and made him float in mid air

"What the-" Before he could finish he was slammed hard onto the ground. Raven twitched as she felt her clothes burning off, her hatred for Slade caused the process to go faster. She could hear her father in the back of her mind That's it my child, let your hate consume you . Raven shook her head and tried to fight back but it was too late, her father was in control now.

Robin heard a noise outside and looked around frantically. He ran outside to see Slade standing there, his arms crossed and his mask shattered. Robin was about to attack when Slade caught him off guard

"I came to make an alliance" He said looking serious.

"What?" Robin growled he took an angry step towards him "You hand Raven over then you want to make and alliance! What side are you on?" He growled.

Slade sighed and shook his head "You'll never understand Robin, do you want me to take you to Raven or not?" He said sounding impatient.

"Why should I trust you! You already did this once" He said crossing his arms.

"Believe it or not Robin, Raven isn't the only one he controls. When Raven slammed me against the floor it broke my mask, which broke his grip on me." Slade explained. He looked to Robin with a bloody face "So, alliance?"

Raven felt herself walking, she knew where. To the place where her father was locked away. She bit her bottom lip, but there was nothing she could do now. This was all her fault, she didn't deserve Beast Boy anyway.

After several hours of walking, she came to the old temple where he was sealed away, she tried one last attempt to fight back his influence but it was so hard when she was drained from Slade's abuse. She walked inside and stood in front of the door, she began chanting words in an old language that even she didn't understand. She was half way through the ceremony when a loud bang was heard outside. She turned around to see her friends standing there with...Slade! She felt the anger of her father rise up inside her, she raised her hands and caused the opening to close up.

A Different Side Of Me (RavenxBeast Boy Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora