Tearful Partings

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Beast Boy landed and caught Raven mid-air. He took her inside and straight to his room, he woul dhabe taken her to her room but it creeped him out. He sat her down on the bed and quickly cleaned up. He threw his dirty clothes in his closet, he put his video games in neat stacks, and he half made up the bed around her. He nodded to himself after he was finished and sat by Raven, he lightly cupped her face and sighed

"Rae?" He asked softly. Raven slightly moved, but didn't open her eyes "i miss you, please wake up. I feel alone without you. Your calming voice would really help me right now, I mean...I...I can't even protect you.....I'm so sorry Raven...." Beast Boy felt hot tears coming to his eyes, he turned away and sobbed to himself softly. Raven opened her eyes and heared sobbing, she looked over to see Beast Boy, with his head in his hands. She rasied up slowly and put a hand on his shoulder. He turned and pulled her into a tight hug, before she knew it she was in his lap. He was rocking back and forth with her, he kept repeating that he was sorry.

Raven's heart melted when she realized what was wrong with him. She turned her body and cupped his face with both hands

"Garfield, don't be sorry. None of this is your fault. This is Slade's doing, not yours" She said softly. She forced him to look at her, she kissed his cheek and smiled shyly "Please don't be sad Gar" She said hugging him tightly. Beast Boy hugged her to him tightly

"I'll never let Slade get his hands on you again" Beast Boy said with certainty. Raven moved back and looked down at him, knowing it was a lie. She ran her hands through his hair and played with his ears, Beast Boy smiled and looked up at her, Raven returned the gaze and noticed that his face was inching closer to hers. She felt her cheeks burning as she brought her face closer, their lips were centimeters apart

"RAVEN? BEAST BOY?" Cyborg called as he walked down the hallways. Raven pulled her face away and slowly got up, she reached her hand out for Beast Boy. He took it and they both walked out together

"There you two lovebirds are!" Cyborg joked as he put an arm around each of them. Beast Boy lightly elbowed him as they walked into the living room where Starfire and Robin were waiting

"Friend Raven!" Starfire burst out and hugged Raven tightly. Raven returned the hug

"I'm sorry for kicking you Starfire.." She said looking ashamed.

"It is ok! I am glad that you are back" She said smiling at her. Raven smiled back and looked to Robin as he joined them

"You ok?" He asked placing a hand on her shoulder. Raven nodded and pulled him into a hug

"I'm so sorry.." She sobbed and hid her face. Robin stepped back and smiled at her

"You've got one heck of a slap" He said pointing to his bruised cheek. Raven rubbed the back of her head nervously.

"It's ok Raven, were just glad that your back" He said and went back to the couch.

Raven watched Starfire ad Cyborg join him, she was about to walk over there as well but she realized she was holding Beast Boys hand. Had the other seen? Did they care? She pushed the thoughts out of her mind and let Beast Boy drag her over to the couch. She sat closely to him and got comfortable

"Movie anyone?" Cyborg said holding up a scary movie.

"Sure" They all said together.

The movie was a typical scary movie. Nothings to really be afraid of, still Raven stayed cuddled close to Beast Boy. After the movie they ordered pizza and sat around on the couch discussing scenarios

"I think I would play dead" Beast Boy said after a few moments of thinking.

"I would fly away!" Starfire said.

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