Chapter 12

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Danielle POV

Time flies.

Two weeks have passed since I met Stacy. It's very hard to explain why we became close friends easily. My friends still think that we are together but we clearly stated that were just friends... close friends.

And it's also been two weeks since my hand was splinted. I've been looking forward to this day because from now on, I can freely use my dominant hand without this uncomfortable thing wrapped around my hand.

Stacy decided to accompany me today since she was with me during the first day splinting of my hand.

Good thing this uncomfortable splint did not hinder me to drive. I parked my car outside her house and waited for her. I closed my eyes for a bit. A creaking sound of the door draws my attention.

I saw her walking on their porch wearing a hoodie with a bunny design on it and a faded denim short shorts. Holding onto her book, she smiled.

Even though the hoodie was quite big for her size, the denim shorts hugged her sexy butt. Holy crap... why does she have to wear that... shorts...

I let my eyes cherish her long creamy legs. Accidentally, I pressed the car's horn which confounded her. I yelled. "Sorry!"

Swiftly, I went out my car and meander towards her. Cheerfully, I greeted her. "Good morning!" she smiled. "Morning." she uttered. "Excited?" I nodded. She chuckled.

I opened the car's door for her. She smiled at me. "Thank you." She sat on the seat, comfortably. I said smiling "You're welcome my angel". I pushed the door, closing it then walked to the driver side, opening it.

I hop into the driver seat, closed the door and started the engine.

I pulled the car out of her house's driveway. She quietly sat beside me reading a book. I glanced at her for a couple of seconds, my hands on the steering wheel.

Her eyes fixed on the book, her long honey blond hair swept across her face.

She brushed her hair along her ears, her angelic features caught me off guard. This is the best 10 seconds of my life. She is a beauty. I looked back at the road, smiling like an idiot.

I switched on the radio, tuning the station. Curiously, I asked her "What kind of music do you like?". She answered, examining my car. "I don't have any particular music that I like... any will do" she smiled.

I replied "Okay" the radio station played a love song.

She hummed with the song. She knows the song? "You know the song?"I inquired. My peripheral saw her gaze at me. "Maybe." She giggled. "What's funny?" she shook her head. "Of course I know that song..." I smiled.

So she likes love songs? That's cute... I should keep that in mind.

I stole another glance at her, this time she caught me staring at her. I smiled. "Hey stop looking at me... stay focus on the road." I shook my head. "I can't stop looking at you, my angel" she blushed. I smirked, my eyes on the road.

"Is it wrong looking at you, my beautiful angel?" I grinned. She playfully punched my arm. "Stop calling me that!" I chuckled. I smiled, glancing again in her direction." Why? What's wrong calling you my angel?" I asked.

Blushing, She retorted. "Nothing... its just I'm not used to it..." I heard her closed her book. Fully aware that she is moving closer to my seat, made me tense a bit. My gripped on the steering wheel tightened. Why am I nervous? She is just moving from her seat...

She spoke. "Um... your seatbelt..." puzzled I asked her. "What?" gradually, she hauled herself in front of me, sitting on my lap, her arms snaked around my neck.

My heart-beat hastens, repeatedly hammering my chest wall. The temperature between us became hot... literally hot. Oh god.. What is she doing?

I pressed on the brake. The car halted in the middle of the street near the hospital. Questioning her, I stuttered. "Wh-a-t are you do-in-g?" she leaned forward her face few inches apart my face, her warm breath tickled me.

Her scent permeated my nostrils.

Oh god... she smells nice... She whispered into my ear. "You forgot to put your seatbelt on" I placed my non splinted hand around her waist, securing her into place. "Really my angel, is that all hmm?" I grinned.

My mind blank due to her intoxicating scent, I moved my hand onto her creamy legs, caressing her.

Unexpectedly , a knock on the door concluded my maneuver. I grabbed her waist, guiding her. she placed herself beside my seat. An old police officer gestured to open my window. I obliged.

"Excuse me miss Smith, this is not a parking lot..." he said eyeing Stacy.

I nodded. "Yes officer, I know I need to go to the hospital right now, so could you please let me pass this violation thing..." I begged. I added. "Please... this will be the last." the old officer sighed.

"Okay, but remember that this is the second time I caught you... if this will happen again I will not accept your excuses anymore kid."

I smiled at him, pretentiously. I saluted him like a soldier. " Yes sir!! Thank you!!" wow that's fast! I never thought he would actually buy it. LOL! I glanced at my side mirror observing him, trudging to his patrol car. He is definitely old.

I immediately closed my window and pulled the car at the hospital entrance. I looked for a parking near the entrance. She broke the silence. "Hey... why does he knows you?" I shook my head.

"I don't know... maybe he knows my family... I guess?"

Unfortunately, there was no empty space for me to park my car near the entrance, so I ended up parking farther to the entrance. Who cares? As long as I got my car parked... though it is better if I parked near the entrance...

I detached the key from the engine and put it into my pocket. I removed my sports jacket and threw it on the back seat. Stacy looked at me confused. "Why did you take it off?"

I answered. "Who needs it, when I have a human heater beside me" she blushed.

I love it when her cheeks turn to dark shade of pink.

Omg... did I say love?


sorry for the late update guys :((


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