to anyone uncomfortable with or questioning their gender

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oh love,
i know it's really hard.
i am so sorry that you don't feel comfortable in the body you were born with.

but let me tell you a secret though,
body parts don't have to have anything to do with it.

you don't have to bind your chest or get expensive surgeries if you don't want to,
tell me what pronouns make you happy,
and i will use nothing else.

if there is one thing you should do in life,
it's to make sure you're happy with yourself and what you've done.

and if some uncultured swine asks you if you "switched parts"
walk away,
don't stress about some ignorant prick.

you may be mislabeled sometimes,
correct those people,
let them know you are proud of yourself.

it is not a universally acknowledged fact that gender is not concrete.
gender is an abstract trait,
don't feel like you have to stay as what you were born into.

be whoever you want,
i can promise that i'll love you anyway.

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