Why I Left Wattpad

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Just the title of this seems obnoxious, like one of the "Why I Left Buzzfeed" videos on youtube, and for that I am sorry. 

There was some question as to where I went, a couple of people have asked on my wall if I am okay or ever going to post again. I am okay, very happy actually, and no, after this I will probably not post again. Someone said that it is because I am at boarding school and have a busy schedule, which is no way true, I don't know where they got that information from. 

In all honesty, I lost my enthusiasm for Wattpad and writing in general. I don't think I'll stop writing for myself but I stopped getting the urge to post my work. I lost all confidence in everything I'd written in the past and felt tempted to just delete my account in general. Around this time, cyber bullying got worse and I was the target of lots of plagiarism accusations, along with that, as my audience continues to grow, people are picking the poems apart word by word and taking them in negative ways instead of the positive way they were intended for. Writing for a huge audience consistently became impossible, I was so afraid to say something wrong and potentially hurt someones feelings or trigger their anxiety or depression.

I am not selling my account or giving it away and will probably check my notifications every once in awhile but know that I am okay and hope you enjoy the books I've written in the past, I will not be taking them down. I am so sorry if my poems have negatively impacted you, that was not my intention whatsoever. 


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