writing tips

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since a lot of you guys asked how i get inspiration for my poems and how i write in general (why you wanted this from me of all people is beyond me though). you definitely don't have to use these but these are some of the techniques i use when i write.

anyway, here's some writing tips from a mediocre and completely unqualified poet!

i. environment:
this one i use quite a bit.
get into a quiet place where you can sit or lay down,
you want to be somewhere where there will be no background noise to distract you. i get distracted super easily so i always have to to put headphones on. if you decide to listen to music, turn it up, as long as it's not hurting your ears, you're good. make sure all kinds of light are gone, it's A LOT easier to do this at night. just lay, listen, and think. you'd be surprised what will come to you.

ii.  have a journal:
i don't have enough patience to have a diary,
but i do have a little black notebook that i take with me everywhere.
most of my poems start there and then are edited and published on wattpad.
i am definitely not saying to go out and buy a notebook, but do have somewhere that's non-technological where you can just write for yourself.

iii. experiment with different techniques:
if you write poetry and usually use free verse,
try to write a rhyming poem, you have no idea how much this tip has improved my writing.

iv. write for yourself and only yourself:
make sure you're not writing only in hopes for money or views, which i am sure you guys aren't, write to express,
write to educate,
write to survive.

best of luck to you lovelies (:

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