to you (part four)

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it makes me the most sad to know that i cannot stop you from doing those things to yourself. i cannot stop you from piercing your skin and i cannot stop you from taking your life. i want to so badly. i want you to know i much i care but there's only so much i can do. you know the only person who can stop those things is you, i know that as well. i will try with all i have but it will not be enough. no matter how much i tell you you're beautiful or tell you i love you, it's not going to be the turning point for you. i hate writing this because i don't want it to be true. i want to be able to show you that life is worth living, a lot of people do. but your mind is over all others. i cannot make you go certain paths.

but i want you to know darling that no matter how much you look in the mirror and not like what you see, no matter how much a person hurts you, no matter how hard it is to understand, there are people who care about you and they would miss you so much.

make the right decision,
the right decision is your own decision,
and i will love you no matter which path you take.

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