Chapter 17

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After my little quarrel with Vince was over, I headed back to the house. I thought either two things would happen. One, it would be quiet. Or two, the kids would be there.
I was right at two, but I was surprised when I walked in to are the two silver haired people.

Ikhan: ah, Mei. Right on time. We were introducing ourselves to Regis and Seira.
Mei: ...?
Ikhan: She lived abroad her whole life too like Rai. Her full name is Mei Cadis Etrama Di Raizel, but we just call her Mei. She's married to Rai.
Regis: ...!!!
Seira: ...!!!

I gave them a light smile.

Mei: ....Its very nice to meet you both.

Then, M-21 finally came into the room.

Mei: ...hello there. Welcome back.
M-21: oh, hello.
Yuna, Shinwu, Ikhan, Sui: hello, mister.

M-21 looked at Regis and Seira. Somehow the vibe turned tense. M-21 walked pass me and went into the kitchen.
I went and took a seat next to Rai. Seira and Regis took a seat as well across from us.
Regis and Seira had went out for the night. We decided to follow them since we know they are clearly not human and they could possibly be a threat.

M-21: why are you tailing them? They're not one of you?
Frankenstein:One of us...? Why do you think that?
M-21: you brough them home, didn't you?
Frankenstein: yes, I did. But there were some issues...I had to keep an eye on them.
M-21: that's not the reason I thought you were colleagues.
Raizel: .....
Mei: .....
M-21: if I'm not wrong, they are Noblesse.
Frankenstein: Noblesse?
M-21: they called themselves royalty, and refer to themselves as Noblesse. The vampires
Frankenstein: I they call themselves Noblesse these days
Mei: ....
M-21: you must be a Noblesse as well...
Frankenstein: ........I'd like to say you're wrong. But I can't deny that you're totally wrong.
M-21: ...?
Frankenstein: I'm sorry I can't tell you everything. But I can share a few details. As you guessed, they are called noblesse.
M-21: I see.
Frankenstein: I can't say they're one of us because we don't know their intentions. And there are different types of vampires.
Frankenstein: yes. The vampires as humans call them are mutants.
M-21: what?
Frankenstein: the Noblesse you refer to, do not take humans blood. Of course they can if they want too. Blood is high in nutrients. But it's just like what humans do, humans also drink animal blood. In fact, they tend to avoid drinking human blood. Its for several reasons. One reason is, by drinking blood, you can subordinate the opponent. Most of them were banned from taking other's blood but there's always those who do as they like....
Mei: make your stories short Frankenstein. Its been forbidden to create those types of beings. Its a sin to create those things in my jurisdiction. No offense to you Frankenstein, or you M-21, and you're colleagues. People gave up on humanity just to gain power for themselves. thinking about it sometimes make my blood boil..........but anyway, it seems the meaning of Noblesse has changed.
M-21: which one...?
Mei: Noblesse did not refer to all of them.
M-21: what do you mean?
Mei: Noblesse is referring to only one being.
M-21: ...!!!
We all made it back to the house. Everyone went out their business...but M-21 seemed troubled after tonight. I decided to go check up on him before I rested for the night.
He was out on the balcony.

Mei: you look troubled. Something wrong?
M-21: Nothing's wrong.
Mei: ....
M-21: Mei...following up on our conversation before. If you are not Noblesse, then what are you?

I stayed silent for a moment, but then answered.

Mei: .....I am life.
M-21: what?
Mei: I am the physical embodiment of life.
M-21: I don't understand.
Mei: life...I am what keeps everything alive, Just by being alive...I can be other beings. cats, dogs, aliens, werewolves, human...Noblesse....but I am no being...I am just the source of all life.
M-21: ...
Mei: you could say...I am your creator in a way.
M-21: if life is a physical being...doesn't that mean...
Mei: yes. Death is a physical being a well.
M-21: why haven't we seen it yet?
Mei: Death doesn't rarely show himself to others. Its for a lot of reasons........One being, for me, he gets on my nerves.
M-21: .....
Mei: but another is if he shows himself to people...that means they will die.
M-21: .....
Mei: ....But it all depends on the circumstances.
M-21: like?
Mei: ...if you are dying you will most likely see him, but if you have a chance of survival he will show up but leave. But if you really will not be able to escape him. If you are still alive and can see him, the only way to be around him and not die is if I'm in the same place and time as he is.....isn't that right, death?
Vince: now why you gotta ruin the element of surprise Mei?
M-21: ...!!!

Vince had appeared right on top of the roof of the house.

M-21: what the...?
Vince: what's up mutant dog?
Mei: ....we are the sources of what lives and what dies.

Cadis Etrama Di Mei: Noblesse's Wife (Noblesse Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now