Phone Calls

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Toast walked over to the small window that was on the wall opposite of him. He opened it, taking Jimmy's knife and throwing it down into the lawn. Toast gave Aimee a little wave. He watched as Aimee picked it up and ran off with it. He turned to see a very relived Ghost. Toast watched as Ghost stood up and stretched.

"You threw it out the window." Ghost laughed. Toast nodded, smiling. Ghost clapped happily. Toast noticed that it was brighter because he opened the blinds.

"I'm glad to see that you're so happy about it Sir!" Toast chuckled. Ghost gave him a very happy smile.  Toast felt his cheeks become hot. Ghost always did have a very innocent smile, he just hardly ever showed it. Ghost looked around outside, noticing the sharp object wasn't even there.

"How far did you throw it?" Ghost asked in amazement.
"Very far." Toast told him. Ghost looked as far as he could, but it really was not there. 

"Have you ever considered Baseball?" Ghost questioned jokingly. Toast shrugged.

"When I was younger." Toast told him. Suddenly, the phone began to ring. Ghost jogged downstairs. He picked up the phone.

"Hello?"Ghost questioned. Toast came around the corner just in time to see Ghost drop the phone and step away. Toast gave him a questioning look. Ghost mouthed the word 'loud'. Toast nodded as Ghost slowly picked up the phone. Ghost sat there and listened. He quickly finished the conversation and then hung up. 

"Who was it?" Toast asked. 

"It was Papa." Ghost mumbled.

"What did he say?" Toast questioned. 

"He had the wrong number, but he was complaining about the government again." Ghost sighed, rolling his eyes. 

"Why does he hate the government again?" Toast asked. Ghost shrugged.

"Something about tax and experiments." Ghost told him. Toast nodded. Suddenly, the phone began to ring again. Ghost rolled his eyes and walked back over to the phone.

"Hello?" Ghost asked, this time with a sarcastic tone. Toast noted how his face went from sarcastic to apologetic in a spit second. Ghost listened until the person stopped talking.

"Ok, so 7pm?" Ghost asked.

"Y-yes, please." A very nervous man stuttered.

"Ok, see you then." Ghost sighed, hanging up. Ghost took a piece of paper off of the table, then quickly jotted down the address and time. 

"Sir, I have a question." Toast stated. 

"And that is?" 

"Not to be rude, but if you can't read, how can you write?" Toast asked. Ghost sat there, seemingly baffled by the question. 

"Well... I CAN read, I'm just super dyslexic." He told him. His smile had completely faded. 

"You should probably get some treatment for that..." Toast mumbled. Ghost shrugged, handing the paper to Toast. His handwriting was a little messy, but it was still legible. Toast looked at the clock. It was only 2pm, so they still had a lot of free time.

"This person said that they wanted us to come because he was scared." Ghost told him. 

"Because he was scared?" Toast questioned. Ghost nodded. 

"He said something was off, and he wanted us to come check it out." Ghost explained. Toast nodded, then sitting on the couch. Ghost laid down on the floor near the T.V. The two heard a loud rustling noise coming from the basement. 

"Should we go check it out, Sir?" Toast asked. Ghost shook his head.

"Nope." Ghost mumbled, resting his head on his arm. He began to fall asleep when suddenly something forced the door open. Toast jumped, standing up while Ghost looked up lazily. A dark figure stood before them. 

"Sir. You see that right?" Toast whispered. Ghost nodded. 

"Are you going to do anything about it?" Toast asked. Ghost pulled out his gun and shot, hitting the figure directly in the forehead. The dark figure disappeared, and didn't return. 

"Well that was a easy fix." Toast sighed, sitting back down on the couch. Ghost put his gun back in his holster as he turned the safety back on. He stretched, then rolling onto his back. 

"You should sit in a chair or something." Toast told him.

"But I don't wanna mooooooove!" Ghost whined, looking up at Toast. Toast just rolled his eyes, looking around the house. This is when Toast realized how beaten up the house now was. There were bullet holes and slash marks all over the walls. The floor near the bottom of the stairs were stained a light red color. There were also knife marks in the kitchen counter. Now that the door was busted, it looked even worse in there. Toast watched as Ghost suddenly pulled himself over to the basement door and forced it closed. He then turned himself around and army crawled back over to the base of the T.V. Toast watched as Ghost fell asleep. Free time.            

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