Chapter 9

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Silence was broken only by a leaking drainpipe somewhere, the consistent drops of water was soothing a lifeless company, but his mind was screaming at him, telling him how stupid he was. To any one else the dark car park, not to mention cold, had a spooky presence lingering throughout the entire level. If this were any other situation, one that didn’t involve a dead body, and a flat battery he might have enjoyed pondering here.

Paul turned the car lights off, and snuck his way back over to Angelo’s car, fortunately no one else had arrived yet. This graffiti clad car park was also a meeting spot for junkies and their dealers. Paul bent down, and pressed the button to open Angelo’s car boot. Just as he had the skinny man’s body half way in, something caught his eye.

Jumper cables…perfect! He jumped with excitement.

 Silently Paul rolled Angelo’s car forward all the way around, until it was bonnet to bonnet with Carina’s. After a tedious process, he was back in business, and made sure to wipe down everything in Angelo’s car, even taking the time to remove the car seat cover, he briefly sat on.

No risks.

He kept the jumper cables, can’t risk getting in to this situation again.

The whole evening had changed everything Paul had started to plan, finally. It was supposed to be the man, now because of Angelo, Fash had to be next. A groan from his side made Paul smile, “Where are we?” Veena rubbed her eyes, squinting out the window.

“You fell asleep, and I decided to go for a bit of a drive.”

 “You’re weird sometimes,” she placed her hand on the centre console, hoping to receive his in return. 

“Sorry,” he obliged and weaved his fingers between hers.

Three days passed, and to Paul’s annoyance the body of Angelo, had not been found. He hoped that another murder would divide police resources, so far it was a failing effort. But Paul knew he would figure out a way around it, he always did, so it was back to his blonde haired, tattoo plan. By letting the girl escape, give a phony identity to police, he would get those serial killer sniffers off his trail, and they would also start looking for another male victim...Bill Darsen had inconveniently pieced together that there was a pattern to the disappearances in the city; boy, girl, boy, girl.

 The girl had already been selected, Gianna Felacci, a beautiful Italian girl who worked at a video store. Sadly for her Paul noticed that Gianna walked home alone every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday night. She shouldn’t be too ungrateful though, because she was going to live, and Paul thought he’d never see the day that he let a victim walk free. Of course, he was going to make sure it looked like she put up a fight, to get away.

 Why don’t I just kill her? Number six has to be a female anyway. You need someone to identify the fake you! Oh, right.

 “Something on your mind?” Veena had stopped reading the back of each DVD they just rented, to see Paul staring at Gianna finishing her shift.

 Conveniently every time he and Veena had been renting movies, was when it was nearly closing time.

 “Nope, just thinking if we should have got something to eat as well.”

 “I told you to get chips! But no, somebody wasn’t hungry,” she playfully head butted his shoulder.

 Did she just attack me? I should put her in a sleeper hold.

 Veena got a reprieve from the sleeper hold, they watched all the movies consecutively with the intentions of Veena falling asleep, so Paul could slip out and fake abduct Gianna. Veena was far from sleepy, Paul even tried falling asleep to bore her into sleeping. Just when he thought she was out, and he tried to leave she’d grab hold of his arm.

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