Chapter five: Bad choice

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I'm so sorry about the late update ive got so much school work to catch up on due to my fractured ankle.

Disclaimer I don't own maze runner or newt:'(


(Lizzies prov)

"Lizzie" I say holding my hand out for Alby to shake, in which he does shake.
"Do you know all the rules? Have you had the tour?...." he starts bursting out with questions at me, "she's had the tour and knows the rules all that needs doing is sleeping arrangements and some new rules for the shanks and then bed" newt answers proudly of his ability to be organised. I look surprisedly at him as we both look over towards alby who just staring off in to the distance. "Well were is she gonna sleep?, we can't trust those shanks out there with her so which keeper she gonna share a room with?" Alby asks as he looks back at newt, im quicker than newt at answering, "can't I just share with newt I mean he's the only one I trust around here no uffence but why can't you trust the others by the way?". Both boys look at me after I finished what I had to say, "fine you share with newt but the reason we can't let you sleep in the same place as the other shucks is because.... well let's find out go walk out there without newt and see what happens and that should answer your questions" Alby says pointing out side were most of the other boys are. I take a deep breath and walk out of the mess tent 'bad choice lizzie bad choice' as soon as I take a step out side I'm surrounded by boys most asking for my name, some saying that I shouldn't even be here but most are trying to get a hold of me until one of the a Asian coloured skin black haired walks though the crowd.

"Well what have we got here?" He says slinging his arm over my shoulders, "it's the new greenie minho what do you think she a beauty ain't she!" One of the boys shouts out as minho starts to chuckle "whats your name greenbean hmm?" Before planting a kiss on my cheek "it's lizzie now please if you lot donth mind I'm going back to newt!" I say furiously as i pleadingly looking at newt through the crowd. "That's enough!" Newt shouts trying to run over to us pushing minho off of me as he pulls me behind him protectively, "GATHERING IN 20 MINUTES AND IF YOU MISS IT THEN IT'S A NIGHT IN THE SLAMMER!" Newt shouts as the boys scatter leaving minho, alby, newt and me, "Umm did you now that that was gonna happen?" I ask questionably to alby who just turned to look at me and said "yes and no I new something was gonna happen but nothing like what just happend!"


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