Chapter 15: Stung

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It's been five months now since I came up in the box and four since Link kissed me but apart from that nothing has changed apart from the greenies coming up in the box, I came to realise that my brother ain't ever coming up so I might as well stop wanting him to.
Alot of the boys use me as an anchor to stop them from losing it in here and all I have to do is make them smile which is okay but the one person who I care about right now is Newt he isn't the same as he was when I first arrived which makes us all worry.

But I have to have a clear head when running. "What time is it Lizzie?" Ben asks finishing off the rest of his lunch as we take a brake to check the time, "about time we be heading back we've found nothing that wasn't here yesterday so there's not much point so us continuing to run and then be trapped in here never to see the glade again" I say packing my water back into my rucksac. "Okay come I'll race you to section four!" He says grinning madly as we brake off into a simple jog "let's see ummm GOOO!!!" I shout as we both brake off a sprint, me being me I easily take the lead gain about five corners on him. We manage to make it to section five before everything changed.

CLANK, Clank, Clank
When I see it eight robotic legs a gigantic tail with a large syringe on the end it's upper body was sluggish like gloop staring right at me closing the distance between us slowly, I stopped dead slowly reaching out for my machete as the greiver charges right at me swinging it's tail in my direction.

Ben soon joins in with the fight to try get past with out getting our selves killed. "Ben remind me never to run section five!" I shout hacking at one of its legs while dogging it's stinger, we start to see hope of beating this thing as Ben manages to stab it in the neck clearing a path for a get away, Ben runs ahead slightly turning round to keep watch as I start to run and join him. I'm completely oblivious to the fact that the grieve was moving towards me from behind aiming it's tail at me preparing to sting.

"LIZZIE!!!!!!!!!!" Ben screams as I'm struck in the leg by the greivers stingger, my leg burns as the poison travels up my body as i collapse onto the floor struggling to breathe as every thing around me goes blurry my throat burning from my screams as the world around me goes dark.
The last thing I remember hearing was Ben screaming my name.

Newt's prov*
Minho and I were waiting by the doors for Lizzie and Ben to return back from running section six, they were the last ones that hadn't returned and it was getting late and I was petrified that something had happened.

"Newt hey Newt glade to newt come in newt" Minho says clicking his fingers infront of my face snapping me back into reality, "what Minho!?" I snap at him as he turns his gaze to the corridor of the maze "listen" he says as we both go silent "Help, Help!!!", "It sound like ben!" Minho shouts as we both squint our eyes to see a figure turning the corner. It was Ben carrying Lizzie who looked pale and sickly, "shuck it's ben and lizzie" i shout as we both break out into a sprint to go help, "Ben what happened? What happened?!!" I shout taking lizzie into my own arms checking whether she was breathing "newt she was stung" Ben whisper shouted at me I turn to look at her leg that had pierced from the greivers stingger, "hurry we need to get her back before the doors close on us!!" Minho practically screams at us as i turn around to a race to the doors as the other two are quick on my tail. "Alby, Clint, Jeff Help!!!! help Lizzies been stung" I say as both Clint and Jeff take Lizzie from my arms "we need the grief serum know!!" Jeff states as he and Clint take Lizzie from me and head for the homestead.

"Quick tie her arms and legs down while she's still like this or else it'll be impossible to later" Clint orders me and Minho to do "Jeff where's that serum" I say finishing off restraining Lizzies legs "sorry liz this might hurt" Jeff says stabbing the syringe into her her arm.
"AAAAARRRRHHHHHHHHH!" Is all that could be heard through out the glade "shuck girls got a good pair of lungs" Minho shouts while everyone in the room covers their ears "I want her taken care of 24/7 Jeff let's hope she'll only go through a quick changing" Alby speaks as the two med jacks nod their heads "right know i want all non-med jacks out of this room right know" me and Minho walked out of the room as Lizzie began to scream again "I want you two and ben to explain to me how the shuck this has happened"alby ordered as we were running towards were ben was waiting.

------------------ --------------------

"So what your saying is that she was attacked by a griever and you tried to help managing to bye some time for you two shanka to get away but while she was running towards you the griever stings her in the leg with out her noticing that she about to be stung!" Alby said practically repeating what ben had just said "yes we were just trying to get back to the glade there where no shucking grievers when we had ran that area not ten minutes before" Ben tried to explain what had happened.

"Well let's hope she had an okay past I'm not gonna lose one of the best shucking runners to a slinthead griever!" Alby stated before leaving the three of us alone "I'm sorry about Lizzie newt I should had been the one to get stung not her" Ben says quietly looking down at the floor as we could hear another of Lizzies screams of misery blasted through out the whole the glade "I just hope she stay the same for us I don't know what I would do if she changed completely.


HI everyone please dont hate me I know i haven't written anything in ages it's just I've had so many transfer tests to study for I've hardly any time for anything but it's half term now and a new chapter should be up on Monday or Tuesday same for my other book as well so yeah.
I'll be back to normal updates in about three weeks when all my transfers are over but for know please do leave a like or a comment how the stories going so farxxx


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