Chapter Nine: Winner

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All rights to maze runner belong to James Dashner. I don't own characters or the maze only the story line and part of the plot line.


I walk around the glade as everyones mucking around and stuff.

The builders are preparing the bonfire for tonight something about a party that they have every month for the new greenie, I've been told that most of the boys have no clue what happend at most of these celebration because they can't remember what happend during the night and the only person with some memory is one of the runners called Ben, "you'll never want to cross paths with Gally when he's drunk because he pulls you into one of his wrestling games" he told me after breakfast, "but how come you remember and most the others don't?" I ask as we walk towards the map room.

"Because I only have one swig of Gally's secret recipe drink and that'd all I have during the night there's my secret" he said as he stops walking. "So what do you guys do for fun around here?" I ask looking around at the other boys while waiting for ben to answer my question, "the runners race each other around the glade and people bet on who's gonna win the races!" He answers sounding hopefull.

"Can I race against you guys?" I ask "of course hey maybe you'll be able to beat minho at his own job?" He answers sarcasticly, "is that a challenge?!" I say with my hands on my hips looking at him sternly. "Maybe any way come on let's go" he said grabbing my arm and pulling me quickly along behind him even though I keep up with quite easily as we run over to Minho, Newt and the other's, " hey guess what!" He shouts sounding like a small child who had just seen father Christmas. "What happened?" Newt says rushing to my side checking if I had any injuries, "i haven't hurt my self newt I just said I would race against these shanks that's all" I say proudly pointing towards Minho and Ben. Minho bursts out laughing at what I had just said "your joking right i could run laps around the glade before you could run a lap!" He chocks out through his laughter "now that's a challenge!" I say crossing my arms across my chest as everyones attention was on us. "Okay okay okay last ones to complete five laps has to help fry pan do the clearing up for a whole week after dinner" Alby says pointing at both me, Minho and Ben, as the three of us nodded our heads in reply.

"Okay on your marks...."
"Get set..."
"GO!!!!!" Alby screams as the race start I'm so surprised on how I've taken the lead leaving both Minho and ben in the dust as i sprint miles ahead of the pair, running as fast as I could though the dead heads around the homestead through the glade coming towards the starting line to start my third lap around the glade.

"Run lizzie run!" Newt shouts out as it jog past trying to reserve some energy for the last leg of sprinting that's when I relise that I'm not even tried let's alone struggling for air as you would if you were running for ages. I repeat the lap once more before pacing ben for the second time as I quickly run past Minho for the second time as they complete their four lap I'm just doing my final sprint as i run to the finish line where i run right into newts arms.
"Well done greenie well done!!!" Every one shouts as Minho and Ben Finally finish their run. "Remind me not to ever run against you again!!" Ben says as he slumps down onto the ground in defeat everyone burst out laughing as we all head towards fry pans to tell him he has two new helpers for a week.

"Well done Liz you were amazing" newt said as he put his arm over my shoulders "thanks newt but next time I want to race against you" I say look up at him as he smirks down at me, "well maybe after lunch because no one's ever beaten me before so let's see whether you can or not!" He says as we walk to get some lunch.

================================= I know lizzie doesn't sound like she looks like Thomas's little sister so I've made it so they have some thing in common with each other oh and that they have the same smiles and their facial features are very similar but Thomas took after their father and Elizabeth took after their mother.

Hope that will clear up some thoughts about them being siblings.


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