Chapter 14: who's the best

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Hey everyone sorry this is Probably a Crap update but I'm revising for up coming transfer test for my next school so um really stressed out and again sorry that it's such a late update but I'm also writing another book thats trying to help calm my nerves down so bare with me if these updates are slow it's not my fault it's stress and lots of tests.


It's been two months since the bonfire indecent and the greenies just got worse each trying to challenge me because I was one of the fastest andc strongest in the glade.

It all started when one greenie called Robert was trying to prove that he was the best at everything. That's were the others had fooled him into thinking, each person he challenged let him win by that point he had no clue I even existed it was the other's idea of putting greenies who acted like this in place.
He had just 'beaten' Newt at running when he had shouted "pleare is this really the best you got" he started laughing but everyone stayed quite waiting for me to come. "Well in that case I will have a go!" I shout walking through the crowd of boys as they cheer for me, "oh please why don't we just skip the challenges and how about me and you head off into the dead heads for a little while to get to know each other..." he said flipping some of my hair back to show off my exposed neck. I could see in the corner of my eye Newt clenching his nuckles, "No thanks I'm sort of only here for the challenge not anything else" I said smirking as his cocky smile disappeared from his lips "fine but don't think just because your some sort of Princess doesn't mean I won't kick your ass" he retaliated smugly pacing circles around me.

Everyone burst out laughing at his comment knowing how easily I would be able to beat. "Fine I'll race you first then we'll play Gally's wrestling game who ever loses has to say that they are piles of klunk and that they aren't the best in the glade and that the person who wins is!" I shout every one cheers at my terms as we all head over to were the starting line is.

"On your marks...
Get set...
GO!!!!!" Alby screams as i bolt off leaving the greenie miles behind me everyone in the glade is cheering for me even Winston and all the bloody shanks who hate me are cheering for me. I run past the new greenie twice before running along side him a third "listen here greenie you can't beat a runner at their own job!" I say before sprinting off leaving him wordless on his third lap as i finish the race in record time. "Well done Love!!!" Newt shouts picking me up and spinning me round, "yeah well at least I didn't let the greenie beat me" I say sarcasm dripping from my every word, I turn round to see the greenies face burning red and dripping with sweat as he collapse on to the floor "How in hell did I get beaten by a girl!!!" He screams when he manages to get up and face me, "I'm not gonna let one girl beat me come on let's race again and if I win I through you over the cliff!!" He screams in my face all the boys around me becoming protective of me. Newt pulls me into him rapping his arms around me as Minho and that lot step infront of me defensively while everyone glared at waiting for Alby to give the word of punishment, "fine but if I win you have to be locked in the slammer for a week with no food and very little water" I say wiggling out of Newts grip and push though the defensive wall of boys that were infront of me, "fine but I'm not one to loss" I look confusedly at him knowing that he had only arrived two days ago "but your a greenie you have no memories" I say tilting my head to the side looking even more confused at him "why does it matter I'm gonna bet you anyway so why would you care if your the one who's gonna end up dead!" He says walking over to his starting position, I quickly get into mine as we pretty much have a repeat of the last race I practically beat him by four laps as he's cursing and screaming as Gally and Minho drag him away to the slammer. "That was a close one love you could have got your self killed" Newt says worriedly pulling me into a hug as i rest my head on his shoulder "I know but it was worth it did you see the way I completely wiped the floor with him!" I chirp out proudly as i pulled out of Newts embrace "I need to do something quickly will you save me a seat at dinned" he nodes at my wishes as i head over towards the slammer " well well well if it isn't the princess of the prison of hell come see the biggest acheviement that this place has ever seen rot away in jail!" Robert spits at me as I stand at the door with my arms crossed across my chest " I just came to ask you something" as he comes closer to hear what I have to say,

"Who's the best?"

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