The most creative name in the world

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I was added to a competition by Levviosa147 go follow them and check out their work:)

(Don't fully understand the rules didn't now whether or not I was aloud to copy the rules word to word so changed a couple words due to auto correct saying the sentence doesn't make sense:) )

Here are the rules:
1) Post all the rules
2) Answer all 13 questions
3) make up 13 questions and tag people to answer them
4) tag 13 people
5) come up with a creative name
6) do it in a week

Here my questions I had to answer:

#1 Twilight or nah?
Nah for sure

#2 How to describe my self in 3 word's?
Creative, caring, forward going

#3 What's your favourite song right know?
Probably stiches (Shawn Mendes) or No (Megan trainer)

#4 What's your favourite element? (Earth, wind, fire, water)
I love to swim so water!

#5 what would you say your label is? (Girly, sporty, out cast, jock, nerd, ect)
I would say that I'm a group jumper, a couple of my friends have called me that because I don't stay with one particular group I sort of go from group to group because of most my friends don't hang out in one group I ho round and hang out with each person.

#6 what's your style of clothing? (Comfy, trendy, girly, ect)
I like to wear comfy cloths but I try and stay in style with my friends but I sort of have my own style.

#7 what's your favourite holiday and why?
I would have said HALLOWEEN manly because my birthday is literally three days after I've always had some sort of party or sleep over with my friends then so I get my presents and than straight after i go trick or treating with my friends. So I get presents and sweets on the same day :)

#8 what are you scared of?
I'm petrified by spiders I absolutely hate them!!

#9 would you rather be blind or death?
I would want to be blind because then at least I can hear my family and friends and I would get to enjoy the sound of music and stuff and plus I wouldn't have to worry about seeing what has happend to the world and whatcome people are doing to it!

#10 coffee or tea?

#11 favourite school subject?
I love history top of my class in that um I enjoy English as well

#12 are you quiet or out there?
I'm both I'm probably the fifth loudest in my class but when I won't I'm really quiet that teachers have forgotten that I'm actually there.

#13 least favourite school subject?
Most likely it and some times PE.

##my questions##

#1 Star Wars or Harry potter? ( or nether)
#2 what's your fave place to visit in holidays?
#3 if you could make one thing possible in the world what would it be?

#4 KFC or pizza hut?
#5 if you could visit any place in the world and why?
#6 what's the funniest thing you've ever done?
#7 What's the scariest thing you've ever done?

#8 if you could be any book character for the whole day who would you be?

#9 famous or powerful?

#10 best moment you ever had at school?

#11 ice cream or chocolate cake?

#12 which celebrity would you take a photo with?

#13 the one word you would use to describe your personality?

##Who I'm tagging## (sorry by the way couldn't think of who else to tag 😔)








----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------sorry if my next updates are late my phone broke and I'm getting an new one soon but for now I'm having to use my mums iPad which isn't the best for updating my books on.


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