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    The students of South Park High School sat in their desks, struggling not to fall asleep as Mr. Garrison talked on and on about the cold war in the 1950s: the prospect of nuclear detonation and overarching apocalypse that tainted the lives of the citizens of that time.

    The classroom had wooden desks lined up in rows. There was a chalk board at the front of the room with notes written all over it. The teacher's desk was off to the side, covered in ungraded papers.

    Suddenly an alarm sounded. Mr. Garrison stopped talking. All of the kids were silent and confused.

    An announcement sounded over the PA system.

    "Attention, attention. This is not a drill. Everyone must evacuate the classrooms and enter the gym. Repeat, everyone must go to the gym immediately. This is a lock down."

    Everybody was confused, but did as the announcement said. The group of students got up from their desks and leisurely walked to the gym, Craig Tucker trailing behind. Garrison wasn't really rushing anyone because he didn't know what was happening anymore than the students.

    "Craig, hurry up!" Mr. Garrison said.

    Craig flipped him off.

    "There's no time for this..." Garrison said under his breath, rather than sending Craig to the counselor's office like usual, since this was not a rare thing. Craig flipped off anybody and everybody, including his own friends and parents.

    "What is this, anyways?" Craig asked, his voice monotonous.

    "I don't know." Garrison replied. "But it's serious, so come on." Craig sighed and sped up a bit.

    When all the kids were stuffed into the gym, the doors were slammed shut and locked. Almost all light was gone except for the light from the windows and from under the doors. The kids were ushered to the back of the gym where they were forced to sit together, too close for comfort. Craig was pushed by all the others into the corner where he fell onto someone else. The other person exclaimed and Craig turned around to see Tweek Tweak, AKA the twitchy, weird kid.

    "Oh, it's you." He frowned. "Sorry, Tweakers." Tweek didn't respond to this terrible nickname, which he hated. Everyone at school made fun of him, giving him nicknames like this due to his twitchy nature and his unfortunate name.

    Tweek was huddled in the corner of the gym, looking more terrified than Craig had ever seen him. He always looked scared, but this time he seemed as if he wasn't even breathing. Craig narrowed his eyes and tried to get Tweek's attention.

    "Do you know what's going on?" Craig asked, trying to see if Tweek was okay. Tweek only shook his head and kept staring forward, lightly hyperventilating. Craig felt bad, for once in his life. He didn't care about anyone, ever. But for some reason, this time he felt a little bit of pity for Tweek. He obviously had some issues, and the only thing anyone ever did was pick on him. Which is exactly why Tweek was suspicious of Craig being so friendly.

    "... you okay, dude?" Craig bent slightly over to look at Tweek's face. Tweek quickly turned his head toward Craig, his eyes wide.

    "What do you care?!" Tweek exclaimed. Craig flinched. Tweek's small outburst surprised him. At least he could still speak.

    "SHHH!" A voice shushed them. Craig flipped them off, even though no one could see more than a few feet, since the lights were off.

    "I-" Craig was cut off by a loud banging noise. Everyone shut up and turned towards the doors where the noise was coming from.





    Everyone held their breath. It was silent for a couple seconds, before the doors flew off of their hinges and everyone began screaming, the loudest of whom being Tweek. Still, no one knew what was actually going on.

    Everyone ran. Craig almost ran away too, but he turned around and noticed Tweek still in the corner. Someone was running towards him, limping. Tweek stared at this person and screamed, not moving. Craig ran back and grabbed Tweek's wrist, pulling the smaller boy behind him.

    The boys observed their surroundings as they ran away from the ambushed building. There were creatures. Gray and lifeless. Wearing dirty, ripped clothing with pus oozing from infected skin and foaming at the mouth. They were attacking everyone, ripping their limbs off with their bare hands and feasting on their remains. Tweek and Craig were absolutely horrified, watching in terror as these beings assaulted everyone they knew.

    The blood of their friends and teachers smeared across the walls. The ground seemed to sway under their feet, they were sick to their stomachs at the sight.

    "KYLE--!" They heard a piercing scream.The boys' attention was directed to Stan, a black-haired boy with a blue hat, who was being dragged by one of the creatures. Kyle, his best friend, was screaming his name in return. Chasing after him, Kyle could only watch as his closest friend was murdered and devoured by the being. Stan let out sharp, profound screams louder than anything they had heard before.

    Tweek was sobbing at this point. All of these people were being killed, ripped apart and eaten, and he was helpless. He could do nothing but watch.

    Craig pulled Tweek out of the building and let go of his arm, expecting him to follow Craig. Tweek stopped in his tracks, still staring in shock and terror at the graveyard of all of the people he once knew.

    "Come on!" Craig yelled, grabbing Tweek again and pulling him.

    Tweek followed him. They ran as fast as they could to Craig's house.

    They knew that their lives will never be the same again.

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