eight ~ buttons

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A/N: thanks @ everyone who's reading this and leaving nice comments! i really appreciate them :3
also, im not rlly  sure how im gonna keep up this story but i have kind of an idea so i'll just go with it i guess.
enjoy! :^)







Tweek and Craig woke up to the sound of Patrick yelling. They seemed to have accidentally starting spooning in their sleep...

"Oh, you two are like that, huh?" Patrick said as they got out of bed. "It's okay, I'm not homophobic or anything."

"No, we aren't like 'that.'" Craig said defensively.

Patrick just laughed. Tweek seemed embarrassed.

"We've gotta go, though." Patrick told them.

"Go where?" Craig asked.

"To kill zombies! Now that I've got you two, we can safely fight zombies!" He said excitedly.

"Do you really think we can kill all the zombies?" Craig replied skeptically.

"Well..." Patrick trailed off. "I didn't really think it through that much. Who cares, we can at least wipe out the zombies in this area so we're safe."

Craig sighed in defeat. There was no way they could kill all the zombies. But they had nothing better to do.

Patrick left the room. Tweek and Craig got dressed and brushed their teeth, using bottled water that Patrick had acquired from an abandoned store (since plumbing no longer worked without people to maintain it).

Craig slipped on his hat and grabbed his baseball bat.

"Ack! I can't get it!" Tweek exclaimed. Craig turned around and saw that he was struggling to button his shirt.

"Here, let me do it." Craig said. He set down the baseball bat and walked up to Tweek, standing close as he unbuttoned and then re-buttoned Tweek's green shirt.

Tweek could feel Craig's body heat radiating off of him. He looked up to meet Craig's eyes.

"There you go." Craig said when he finished buttoning the shirt, but before he knew it, their lips were together. Tweek's lips were soft and warm against Craig's. Craig had to bend down while Tweek was on his tippy toes.

When their lips parted, Craig stepped back and laughed awkwardly. Tweek just blushed and looked away.

Maybe we are like 'that'... Craig thought.

"Let's get going." He said out loud. "Patrick is probably waiting."

Tweek nodded and followed Craig, thinking about what had just happened.


"Here." Patrick handed Craig a huge, loaded assault rifle.

"Jeez!" Craig exclaimed. "Is this really necessary?"

"Yes." Patrick said seriously, giving no explanation as to why it was necessary.

"Well, I don't know how to use this. So I'll just stick with my baseball bat for now." Craig said, handing the rifle back.

"Suit yourself." Patrick said, handing the rifle to Tweek instead.

"What?!" Tweek yelled. "I c-can't use this!!"

"You're finally talking, huh?" Patrick said with a smile. "Okay, fine. I'll be the only one with a rifle. What weapon are you using, then?"

"I-I'm not really a f-fighter." He said quietly.

"Well that's not very helpful. Here." He said, picking up a crowbar from the corner of the room where there were various weapons leaning against one another. "Carry this for protection, then."

Tweek took the crowbar hesitantly.

"Let's go then." Patrick said cheerfully. He unlocked the many locks that the metal door had. The house was insanely protected. There was only one door that led outside, it was made of heavy-duty metal and protected with many locks. There was also only three windows on the entire bottom story, and they were all completely boarded up with layers of wood and nails. Instead of stairs leading to the second floor, there was a ladder. Patrick said he did this because if the first floor were to be infested by zombies, they would need an isolated second floor. There were two bedrooms in the house and two bathrooms, along with a living room and kitchen. All other doors were boarded up and/or blocked off.

When they first walked outside, it took a moment for their eyes to adjust to the harsh sunlight. They walked around for a little while, finding no zombies. They didn't trail too far from the house, in case of an emergency.

"There's nothing out here." Craig said, annoyed. 

"Fine." Patrick sighed. "We should relocate, anyways. The house we're in now is only temporary. Plus there isn't many resources out here. I heard about a shelter in Denver that we could go to, I think."

"Oh no," Craig said. "We've already been there. It's infested." He said sadly, remembering their friends.

"Damn." Patrick said. "Well I've got no better ideas. I guess we'll just live here for now. But if you and your boyfriend are gonna be staying here, you gotta help me with reinforcing the protection on the house. Like I said, it's only temporary at the moment."

Craig decided to ignore the boyfriend comment. "We will. Where are you getting resources from?"

"There's a small town down that trail." Patrick pointed to a trail behind the house. The trail was barely recognizable, the plants around it were so overgrown. "There's a couple stores in the town. But going by myself is difficult. Now that I've got you two, it should be a lot easier to get there and back without, you know, dying."

They laughed and walked back to the house, preparing for a trip into town to get resources to reinforce their new home.






A/N: well this chapter was a whole lot of nothing. there was a kiss in there though :3
thanks for reading,, leave suggestions if you have any! vote and comment :^))))

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