fourteen ~ mall

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    Tweek opened his eyes slowly

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    Tweek opened his eyes slowly. It was so bright it burned at first. When his eyes finally adjusted to the harsh lighting, he wasn't sure where he was.

    The ground was concrete. It was wet and dirty. The ceiling was made of glass, allowing copious amounts of sunlight to shine in and reflect off the glass windows and walls that surrounded him. He didn't have any of his supplies. He didn't see Kyle anywhere.

    The panic began to set in. A knot in his stomach formed as he pushed himself up. His head was spinning, he felt like he would faint any second, and the anxiety that seized him at the moment wasn't helping.

    As he took his surroundings in, he realized he was in the old mall. It was abandoned and all the stores had been looted. He was on the second floor, and when he peered down the defunct escalator he found that the first floor was completely flooded, and plant life had begun to grow around unused railings and benches. He thought it looked rather cool, but was too worried about other things to give it a second thought.

    He didn't remember how he got here. He didn't even remember how or why he was asleep in the first place; the last thing he could recall was walking through the woods with Kyle, determined to find Craig.

    Wandering around the abandoned mall, he began to felt hopeless. Every door was locked. There didn't see to be anywhere to go on the second floor. In a last attempt to get anywhere, he decided to go to the first floor.

    After walking down the stairs of the dysfunctional elevator, he took a shaky step into the water. His brown boots filled up with dirty water, soaking his socks and the bottoms of his cuffed jeans. The water was cold and numbing, but Tweek ignored it and walked around, seemingly meeting the same fate as he did on the second floor. Until a cracked door in the corner caught his eye.

    Entering the now abandoned store, it didn't seem like much. But he kept walking, and in the back of the store there was a wooden door painted black, the bottom chipped and faded from the water that flooded in here when it rained. He pushed it open, cringing at the loud creaking sound.

    His eyes focused on a red, beat-up couch, and a pair of black boots hanging off the edge of them. His heart began to beat so hard he could hear it. How could this person not have heard the door opening?

    Stalking around the sofa slowly, Tweek froze when he saw the mysterious person. The short, black hair and sharp jawline familiar. Stubble on his chin, and wearing different clothes, he was almost unrecognizable. But Tweek was 100% sure, it was Craig. And he was completely passed out.

   Tears welled up in Tweek's eyes

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   Tears welled up in Tweek's eyes. He walked closer, his fingers trailing down Craig's cheek, the scratchy stubble on his chin, and he held his face for a second, staring, unable to react. He'd wanted to find Craig, but not like this. He quickly shook his shoulder in an attempt to wake him up. "Craig?" He could only whisper.

    Suddenly the door creaked behind him.

    "Don't worry," A woman in all black, wearing a cowl with a gas mask covering the lower half of her face appeared, seemingly looming out of the shadows. Tweek turned around and stared at her, speechless. "He's fine. And you can have him back."

    "W-what's the catch?" Tweek managed to choke out.

    "I'm glad you asked." She removed her gas mask to reveal a beautiful face, with caramel skin and amber eyes. Her complexion was clean and glowing, despite the rough conditions she was obviously living in. "You have something we want. Well, someone."

    Tweek wondered who 'we' was, but instead just stared at her and waited for her to elaborate.

    "I believe you know him as... Patrick?"

    Tweek froze. How could she know him, and what could she possibly want him for? He seemed like a guy who would mind his own business, not someone who would get caught up in things like... whatever this was. "What?" He asked.

    "You see..." She paused. "I didn't get your name?"


    "Tweek." She repeated. "You see, Tweek, I run a simple business, and a fair one at that. Your buddy 'Patrick' seemed to... misunderstand this. And he did something unforgivable. So I simply need him. Not you. Not Mr. Tucker here. And as I understand that you and he know where he is, you are my path to where I need to go. Understand?"

    "I don't know where he is." Tweek lied. Patrick had taken them in, given them food and shelter and company in return for nothing. He wouldn't just give up his location like that. Especially since this woman doesn't seem to like him.

    She sighed longingly. "That's what I thought you might say. I guess I'll give you some time. Your friend will probably wake up in an hour or two. I'll be back tomorrow morning. Hopefully you'll come to your senses by then? Good night!" She slipped the gas mask back over her face and left, locking the door from the outside, leaving Tweek alone with a still-sleeping Craig.

* A/N: this was gonna be longer but i decided to split it into two chapters so i can update quicker. i finally have a place im going with this story so yay

hope u enjoyed

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2017 ⏰

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