twelve ~ mission

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Tweek opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling. He rolled over and pushed himself up, leaning on his elbows on the edge of the bed. He looked over at the empty bed where Craig's place was left perfectly untouched. Only Tweek's side of the bed had been used and he immediately got up and made it perfectly.

When the bed was made to Tweek's standards, he left the room. Nothing else was messy or touched. He entered the bathroom and stared at himself in the mirror for the first time since Craig had disappeared, which had been four days ago. He didn't recognize himself. The normal dark bags under his eyes had worsened more than he thought possible. His expression was permanently plastered as a sad, blank stare. His skin was grey. Not in the way that the zombies' skin was, but sickly and translucent. He just stared at himself for a long time. Nothing went through his mind. Until he thought of Craig.

Tweek had always had some mild form of attachment issues, but this was like nothing he had experienced before. He'd never thought of Craig as particularly important to him. Back in school, he and Craig pretty much never interacted. Tweek had a reputation of being weird, and no one really talked to him. He had earned the nickname Twitchy, which he hated a lot more than Blondie. The day that Craig saved Tweek from the zombie, on the very first day of the apocalypse, was the day that Tweek became attached. They'd never talked about that, and Tweek had never thanked Craig for it. Things had happened much too fast.

Tweek decided, right then, that he was going to find Craig.

He turned away from the mirror and left the bathroom. He grabbed the wooden baseball bat that Craig had given him months ago in the Target where Tweek had been scratched and Craig had helped him. The scratch had healed quickly and nothing became of it, and they never spoke of it again. Tweek noticed this pattern, that the past was immediately forgotten once it happened and was never spoken about again.

With the baseball bat in hand, Tweek left. Patrick wasn't awake and Tweek didn't grab anything else. He didn't have a plan and he wasn't thinking about what he was doing, nor did he leave a note or any trace of his disappearance like Craig. He just left.

Immediately when he stepped outside, he began to shiver. It was October (at least he thought it was, it was hard to keep track of time accurately) and the winds were picking up. Tweek only wore a white t-shirt with his green button-up over it.

He walked slowly into the forest. He was starting to get jumpy and scared that a zombie would show up. He definitely wasn't a fighter, and his measly wooden bat wasn't going to take him very far. He still didn't regret leaving so unprepared. The thought barely crossed his mind that he could have maybe taken better precautions to make sure he doesn't die. He had a mission, and he was going to accomplish it. That's all he was thinking about.

Soon he reached a clearing and noticed a fallen tree log. The familiarity of it consumed him and he sat down on the log, trying to remember where he knew this scene from.

He remembered- after he and Craig had run from the shelter they had stopped here to catch their breath, where they had realized that they'd lost Kyle and Eric, where they held hands and sat together before finding Patrick's house. He closed his eyes and was overwhelmed by the memory. He smiled sadly as tears stung his eyes, threatening to fall. He couldn't wait to find Craig again.

He heard a loud grunting coming from behind him. It took him a moment to react, but he sprung up and turned around. He was greeted with gray, dehydrated skin and dead eyes that were all too familiar. He stumbled back, and decided he'd try to run, since that was his only tactic he had left. The zombie approached closer, stepping straight over the log he'd been sitting on. Tweek felt his foot hit a rock, and then his body fell over him. Tumbling to the ground, he looked up and accepted that this was the end of the line. He closed his eyes and prepared for what was inevitably coming.

Tweek's eyes shot open when he heard a loud thump, and a rock had landed next to him, narrowly missing him. It was getting lighter outside, but dawn still hadn't arrived and there wasn't enough light for Tweek to make out the figure that stood behind the now dazed zombie. The figure approached the disoriented creature from behind, using the handle of their gun to bludgeon it to death. The zombie fell, and the person didn't stop hitting it for a few moments, making sure it was completely dead. They even threw in a few stomps for good measure.

Then, the figure walked near Tweek. He was shocked from everything that had just happened in the span of a minute, and almost couldn't form any words until the person walked into Tweek's clear field of vision and Tweek immediately recognized him.

"Kyle." He choked out.

"Tweek?!" Kyle was stunned to have discovered Tweek after so long. Tweek was barely recognizable. His hair, which before was messy, but clean, and was cut pretty short around his ears, was now extremely dirty. Still equally as messy, his blond locks now reached his shoulders. Tweek had also gotten thinner, his face was more hollow and he looked as if he hadn't slept in years. Kyle hurried closer and extended a hand, which Tweek took, and helped him up.

"I-I..." Tweek was at a loss for words.

"I thought you were dead!" Kyle exclaimed, pulling Tweek into a hug. They hugged for a moment, Tweek surprisingly comfortable with it, before Kyle pulled back and smiled at the shorter boy. Looking around, he saw that Craig was nowhere to be seen. "Oh.." He mumbled, his features dropping into a frown. "I'm sorry, Tweek."

Tweek caught on to what Kyle was apologizing for. "N-no! I'm looking for Craig right now. He-" Tweek hesitated, not wanting to say it out loud, as if he still didn't believe it truly happened. "He disappeared a few days ago and, I-I don't know, I just, I feel like I could find him. I think he's still alive..." Tweek trailed off and Kyle flashed him a look of hope through his emerald eyes.

"I'm looking for Cartman." Kyle said. "There's a terrorist group." Tweek's eyes widened. "You know, how suddenly there's no government and laws so everyone just runs rampant, doing whatever they want. These guys kidnapped him, back after we ran from the shelter. I guess you guys ran in the opposite direction..."

"I'm sorry!" Tweek exclaimed. "W-we didn't know what was happening, we just ran. I'm really sorry."

Kyle patted him on the shoulder with a gloved hand. Kyle had completely different clothes now, he wore a long, camouflage jacket with brown pants and brown boots. He had a gun that usually rested in a Sam Browne belt, but he was holding it now. His hair had also gotten longer, it was pulled back into a bun that was hidden under a brown army-style hat. A few red curls had escaped and fallen over his freckled cheeks. "It's okay, Tweek. We would've followed you guys if we knew what was going on."

"But, we can team up now, me and you." Kyle offered. "I actually became sort of close with Eric... believe it or not." He laughed sadly. "I don't want to lose another friend." He whispered, looking away. Tweek pulled him into a hug.

"Yeah, let's team up." Tweek agreed.






A/N: another horrible chapter, lol. sorry abt that. the story is picking up tho

also,, read my k2 story! 

:,))) thanks for reading pls vote and comment


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