six ~ shelter

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Craig was silently assigned to be the "leader" of the group. He just seemed the most qualified and no one had any objections. They all just followed behind him, barely speaking. Craig kept a close eye on Tweek and frequently checked to make sure his wounds were doing okay. The small boy assured him that he was fine but Craig needed to be sure at all times.

The four boys were getting closer to their destination, the shelter in Denver. They had almost forgotten their goal from all the drama that had been happening, but Craig kept them on track.

Thoughts of lost parents and friends filled the silence. Craig tried his best to push the thoughts away while Kyle couldn't help it. He trailed behind the rest of the group, struggling to keep himself together.

Cartman noticed that Kyle had isolated himself. He slowed down and let Kyle catch up with him.

"You alright?" Cartman asked quietly.

"Why do you care." Kyle replied.

Cartman didn't reply for a moment. "I dunno." He said. Kyle ignored him.

"What's wrong?" Eric asked again.

"What do you think?!" Kyle said, raising his voice slightly. Craig turned around but ignored them.

Cartman thought for a moment. "Ohhh. This is about Stan, isn't it?" Kyle didn't respond.

"Look dude, I'm upset about Stan too, I'm not gonna lie. But it's the past. It's not like he's coming back so why should you waste your time being so upset?" Cartman said. His insensitivity pissed Kyle off.

"You don't understand!" Kyle yelled. They stopped walking. Tweek and Craig turned around to see what was going on.

"You're so fucking insensitive! Do you even know what empathy is!?" Kyle exclaimed. Eric looked unbothered. "You only care about yourself! What would you be doing if we all had died back there at the school? You'd probably be dead too! We all saved your ass and you don't even think once about it!"

Tweek and Craig agreed with him. Eric Cartman was a self-centered, egotistical, mean person. They didn't even know why he was still here.

"Kyle." Cartman pronounced Kyle's name right for once. "I'm sorry. OK? I'm really fucking sorry. I know that you all saved my ass and I would be dead right now if it wasn't for you. I really appreciate it, I really appreciate you, alright? I don't know how else to say it." Cartman sighed and kept walking. "We should get going."


"I-Is that it?" Tweek pointed to a short, concrete building with the lights shining through very small windows at the top of the walls. It was dark and they couldn't read the sign until they got close and shined a flashlight on it.

Denver Community Center

The words had a huge red X spray painted over them, with the words "SHELTER" replacing them.

"Yeah, I think this is it."

Craig led the group around the building, to a door. When he tried to open it, it was locked.

"I-I'm s-scared!" Tweek held onto Craig's jacket. "It's d-dark out here!"

"We've just got to get in and then we'll finally be safe." Craig said. He knocked on the door. They stood for a few moments before knocking again, but louder. Craig sighed. He knocked once again, yelling "HELLO?"

He heard the shuffling of footsteps approach the door and then stop.

"Hello?" He repeated, but in a normal tone.

"Get out of here." A hoarse, male-sounding voice spoke from the inside of the building.

"Excuse me?" Craig said. "I thought this was the shelter. We came all the way from Park county."

The voice was choked up. "Get out." They repeated. "It's not safe here anymore. Please, just leave before they get you too. They're all over the place in here. They've killed everyone and they're about to kill me. Leave."

Craig couldn't feel his heart beating. The other boys stood silently behind him. Tweek was still holding onto his sleeve.

"Come out, and you can come with us." Craig offered, worried about whoever was behind that door.

"No. They'll escape. Just go!" They heard a muffled scream and they all stepped back.

"Oh fuck." Cartman said.

The screaming stopped. It was dead silent for a moment before the zombies were banging on the door.

"RUN!" Craig exclaimed, pulling Tweek behind him as he ran in the opposite direction.

"Slow down, Craig! You've got longer legs than all of us!" Cartman yelled. Craig ignored him as they ran as fast as they could to wherever the zombies weren't at.


soooo.... sorry for the super slow update and short chapter. i honestly have no idea where i'm going with this story, i'm just making stuff up tbh. leave suggestions if you have any!!

thanks for reading!! pls vote and comment :^)

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