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  I stepped into the airlock, with my eyes inspecting every little detail.
  A crewman approached me somewhat hesitantly and wrung his hands. "Miss Lawson, we've recovered Shepard's body. You were right, she made it back down the beam, but it seems she didn't make it fully down before the beam dropped her."
  I snorted a laugh. "Ironic, isn't it?"
  "Her body was recovered after forgoing a fall trough the atmosphere the first time. It shouldn't be as bad this time."
  The man nodded and led me to the cargo bay, where a coffin with a glass lid laid, the only thing in the bay.
  "Is the lab ready?"
  "Yes, ma'am."
  "Then why is her body still laying in the damn coffin? I want her on that table immediately and any missing resources gathered. There's no point to having Cerberus's resources if we're not going to use them!"
  The man jumped at my frustrated tone and scurried off to gather Shepard and take her to the lab.
  I pulled out my datapad and checked my personal mail, seeing an urgent reply from Admiral Hackett questioning who I was and many other unimportant questions. I simply replied "meet me at Huerta in a week at 04:00 Citadel time at the entrance."

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