Chapter 17

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I sat up, my head pounding and my eyes throbbing, with my hand pressed to my right temple.
I groaned and opened my eyes to see I was in the Citadel again, back when the Crucible was to be activated.
I looked to my right to see Anderson smiling at me despite his hand pressed to his wound.
"You did good, kid. I'm proud of you."
I shook my head. "Anderson, we've got to get you to a medic. You'll be okay."
He just chuckled and shook his head gently at me. "Don't try to fool me with battlefield talk. We both know only one of us is going to walk out of here. And I'm okay with that."
Tears pricked at my eyes and I shook my head fiercely. "No. We're both getting off of this damn station. I'm not leaving without you."
"You've come a long way from being a street rat, Shepard. Come further than anyone else could have. Done a hell of a lot for this galaxy."
I scooted closer to Anderson and shook my head as I went to work ripping pieces of my sleeves off to press to his wound.
"You know, when you stepped aboard my ship the day you got assigned to the Normandy, I was torn between your record and the potential I saw in how well you did in the N7 training program.
Then I saw the look in your eyes. It told me you would walk through hell and high water to hold the respect your rank commanded. To protect the people you swore an oath to defend and uphold any command given to you.
I knew then that you were going to be one hell of a soldier. But no one could have known you would be legendary. No one will forget your name, Shepard. It was an honor to have served with you."
Tears escaped my eyes and I smiled past them. "It was an honor serving with you, too, sir. I couldn't have possibly made it this far without your faith in me, your help and guidance."
"Cut that 'sir' crap out, I don't need you getting all formal on me now. You would have made it with or without me. I'm just glad I was the one to be able to help you."
I chuckled. "You're just glad you're one of the only commanding officers I have respect for enough to listen to."
Anderson laughed but winced when he did, though his smile held. "Much good that did, sometimes. Never kept you out of trouble."
"We both know you taught me the best ways to step in it."
Anderson chuckled again and shook his head. "You're like a daughter to me, Samantha. I can't say I have a biological daughter, but I can damn well say you're a daughter to me."
I smiled and touched my forehead to Anderson's. "And you'll always be like a father to me. Didn't have one growing up but I have one hell of one now."
My throat tightened as I felt his breaths growing shallow. "Don't leave. Please. I don't know what to do without you."
His hand came up and guided my head to rest on his shoulder, and he stroked my hair gently. "Shh. You'll be okay. You're tougher than nails, Samantha. Stronger than even you believe. You can make it through anything. It'll be okay.
Take care of the Normandy and your crew. They need you. Especially after all that's happened. Take care of Earth, and the people you swore to protect with your life. Garrus will need you too, and he damn well better take care of you, but I trust he will. You mean a lot to him, and you couldn't be in better hands.
Don't forget to take care of yourself though, Shepard. That's the most important one there-"
He stopped, his breathing fast and ragged as he struggled for air.
He stroked my hair again, this time less calculated but he still brought up a smile.
"Remember all that you hoped and dreamed for and make it come true. You can do anything you set your mind to, Samantha."
He fell silent, the only thing showing his life was the breaths he struggled for.
"Thank you, Anderson. You've always had faith in me. I'll never forget you. And I'll make sure the galaxy knows your name."
My voice cracked on the last words as I felt his breaths become more and more shallow until finally, they ceased to come.
I choked on a sob as I pressed my face into his shoulder and gripped his uniform.
The pain of his loss ripped through my chest, like a million incendiary bullets piercing my body.
How could it have all ended like this? How could a victory cost so much? Why did so many good people have to die? So many innocent people?
The questions ran through my head but I couldn't find an answer.
How could they all be gone but I'm still here? It wasn't right. It was wrong that so many were gone, but I, one lone person, has survived of the billions dead. Of all the soldiers, of all the civilians and leaders and volunteers. I've survived.
I shouldn't be here. It's wrong, against the laws of nature. But yet here I am.
"I should be dead!" I cried out as I pulled myself away from Anderson. "Why?!"
I buried my face in my hands as my body shook with the sobs that freed themselves from me.
"Because you still have so much more in store for yourself."
My head snapped up at Garrus' gentle voice.
I stared in wonder as he stood in the center of the room, waiting for me.
"Garrus? What are you doing here? I thought I left you with the Normandy..."
He smiled. "I came back for you. I'll always come back for you."
Garrus came to me and held out his hand to me. "You'll never have to go it alone. Never again. It'll be you and me forever."
I sucked in a deep breath and took his hand, feeling his strength as he pulled me up. Somehow I took that strength in and pulled myself together, standing taller as he wiped the tears from my face.
"There's no Shepard without Vakarian. Your words, Samantha. They'll always ring true."
I looked into his eyes and nodded as I took his hands into my own.
"No Shepard without Vakarian."

((A/N: So this one is a dream sequence, kinda what was going on in her mind while she was under in surgery! I don't know why I decided on this, but it came to mind but I kinda just wrote down what the characters were doing as it was going on in my mind! I'm legit not kidding when I say there was zero planning, just "oh crap, I need to update!" And then there was a chapter. One hell of an "oh crap!" Eh? Lol I also decided to go ahead and attach a pic, it's not mine, one of my best friends sent it to me a while back and I just thought it fit! Anyways, thanks so much for reading!!! I love y'all! These reads happening on this is what helps keep me inspired to actually write the character's adventures down instead of keeping it in my head! And hey, if you like my crazy writing style (or just the story ;D) don't forget to vote and comment! I would love to hear what you guys think!!!))

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