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I would like to start off by thanking God for blessing me with not only the vivid imagination to write, but the will to learn to improve and finish this story when I've rarely ever finished one before.
I would like to thank my best friend next, who's been like a big brother to me, Joshua Phenix. You've supported me and helped push me to keep writing through this whole book! Even when I didn't believe in myself and my writing abilities, you always did. Love ya, big brother!
To my blood brother who's also my little brother, Tristan Moreland for introducing me to this game, and to our mother's dismay, encouraging me to take on a romance with Garrus "just for kicks!" Without you this whole story would have never happened and I wouldn't be a total fangirl of the game and couple! Thank you!!
To the rest of my family, but especially my parents for raising me up encouraging my love for reading and always keeping that book in my hand. Without you teaching and nurturing that I probably wouldn't be here with this work today! Especially for dealing with my weird loves and obsessions... even though the Shakarian match isn't either ;)
To my readers, especially those who have been with me since the prologue! I can't even say how much it means to me to see that reads number to up on each chapter and the whole book overall! You guys are amazing! You have this fanfic at over 3,000 reads and I can't thank you enough for that! It brings me to tears to think that a story as important as this to me could have actually caught your attention enough to stick with it! You all are amazing! Thank you!!!
To my voters! You guys consistently not only go through and read the chapters, but leave me a vote on them too! Yes! I notice you! I love seeing when I post a chapter and not even twenty minutes later, I have votes on it from my regular voters! Thank you so much for over 300 votes!!! It means the world to me, I can promise you that!
To those who have commented on Survivor! The joy I feel to see you guys making what you might think as the smallest comment is outstanding to me! I looked forward to the possibility of "maybe they'll comment again" each time I had published a chapter, wondering what you guys think about them and loving it when you told me!
Last but especially not least, I would like to thank one of my best friends Stefan for the inspiration you give me, for the opinions you would give me on the chapters and promising to read them even though you're so busy! Keep at your work, I know you'll make it far! You have so much potential, it amazes me! I can't wait to see what you become!
Thank you all! It's hard to believe this has come so far from just an idea published here and there!
With that, I'll say this one more time, and this story is complete:
Keelah Se'lai!

Anissa Nicole Moreland

   **UPDATE** I never expected this story to gain this many reads and especially didn't expect so many of you to like it enough to add to your reading lists!! I appreciate you all so much for your support, your comments included! With that, I wanted to see how many of you would be interested in watching me do a live stream throughout the trilogy now that it's remastered! I was thinking of a possible edit to each chapter each week to clean up the story some more, and doing a 2+ hour live stream once or twice a week to go with it, doing a play through to work our way toward that "Destroy" ending! Let me know what you think in the comments, because if this gains enough support I'll make it happen!

   **UPDATE** I never expected this story to gain this many reads and especially didn't expect so many of you to like it enough to add to your reading lists!! I appreciate you all so much for your support, your comments included! With that, I want...

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(Thanks to Joshua Phenix for sending these photos

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(Thanks to Joshua Phenix for sending these photos... I don't know where you got them from, but I love all of them!)

All credit for the photos go to their rightful owners. I do not own nor claim to own or have drawn any of these!

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