Chapter 8

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Primarch Victus
  The Turian Primarch knocked on the door before he entered upon Shepard's reply. It was strange for him to walk in and see the strong woman he had come to respect sitting on a hospital bed cross legged being aided to eat by Garrus Vakarian.
  "Lunch, I presume?" The Primarch asked.
  Shepard turned her head to him. "You sound familiar..."
  "Primarch Victus," Garrus quietly informed her and the Primarch scolded himself for forgetting.
  Shepard hummed her response before turning to face Victus again. "Yeah, you want any? They have decent Dextro friendly food, according to Garrus."
  Victus shook his head. "No, thank you."
"So what brings us the honor of having Palaven's Primarch here in my hospital room?"
Victus chuckled. "Straight to the point. You've never been one to... How is it you humans say? 'Beat around the bush?'"
Shepard laughed. "Yeah, that's it."
  "I came because I heard of your arguments to return to Earth and struggles to find a home here until you're well enough to return to Earth."
  She groans and shuts her eyes. "Not this again..." She turns to face Garrus with a frown. "You told him, didn't you?"
Garrus rubbed the back of his neck. "I may have mentioned that you were having a hard time with the idea of not being able to return to Earth just yet..."
"It's not a shameful thing to be wanting to return to your home planet, Commander. I want to return to Palaven as well, though there are politics to be sorted out here, for help and where we can send help in trade." Victus put in.
Shepard shook her head. "This isn't politics, this is simply blindness!" She bit her lip to calm herself. "I may not be able to see Earth, but simply being there... I can't image it won't help..."
Victus made a thoughtful sound and crossed his arms. "I know what you mean, but don't you think it's more important that the woman your people look up to most be recovering? It won't do them any good if they see you struggling versus coping here on the Citadel. It's a sacrifice, yes, but it's also good for your recovery process."
Shepard sighed and nodded. "Okay... We still don't have a place to live..."
"I have that covered, I'm going to speak to the Council. I'll get that sorted out while I'm there. You just concentrate on healing and keeping Garrus out of trouble."
She laughs while Garrus gives and indignant grunt with a sideways glance at her.
"Garrus, will you walk me out?"
He nods, a confused look on his face while he whispers something to Shepard and she nods.
"It was nice seeing you, Shepard. I hope you make a quick recovery. You're a strong woman."
She nods with a grateful smile. "Thank you, Primarch. I hope the repairs on Palaven go quickly and smoothly."
Victus thanked Shepard and turned with Garrus at his side as they walked out the door.
  "I've already made arrangements to meet with the Council this evening. T shouldn't be a problem to get you two into an apartment. We'll make sure you're taken care of."
  Garrus nodded. "Thank you, Primarch."
  Victus dipped his head in acknowledgement. "You two did a lot for us in the Reaper war. It's only right that we try to pay you back in at least small favors. How is Shepard truly holding up?"
  Garrus sighed and shook his head. "It's hard to tell, at times. She hides her struggles very well, but I know she's scarred from this war. I was told her immune system is weakened right now, which was the reason I'm concerned about her going back to Earth. I wish it were easier to just let her go back..."
  Victus listened quietly, taking in every word to think about it.
  "She's strong, though," Garrus finished. "She'll get through it, and she isn't alone."
  "She's lucky to have you, Garrus. We all are. You're her foundation right now. The steady spot in a world that's toppling for her."
  Garrus looked down, his face showing how unsure he was for a moment. "I'm trying to be that. It's hard to go from seeing her as a leader to guiding her simply to the window to tell her how repairs on the Citadel are going."
  "I can only imagine. You're doing fine with her, now. It's understandable that you're finding it hard to guide your commander, when she typically is the guidance, the leader. But remember she isn't simply your commander. She's the woman you love, the woman who needs you to step up and take the lead. You're a leader, Garrus. Just like your father. It's in your bones. Use that leadership to get you both through this."
  Garrus nodded. "Thank you, Primarch."
  Victus smiled at Garrus and offered his hand, and Garrus took it and shook his hand.
  "Take care, Garrus. Hold steady."
  "You take care, too, Primarch. Thank you for your time."
  Victus nodded and walked into the elevator, pressing the button to go to the Presidium Commons while he waited for the Council to be ready for him.
  The Council wouldn't be as easy to deal with as Commander Shepard and Garrus were, but he knew enough now about politics to be comfortable approaching them.
  He had come far from when he was pulled from the battlefield to become the Primarch. Everyone had come far from that day.


(A/N: Hey guys! I hope y'all are enjoying this fanfic! Trying to keep up with the updates now that I have a steady connection to Wattpad in the same place I write! Yay!
  Anyways, let me know what you guys think! I would love to hear from anyone reading this book! Don't forget to leave a vote, too when you comment! Thanks! Love ya guys!)

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